A Purdy Workout

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This is the sequel to the Biersack-Purdy Rebel, it's not must read but it helps to know whats going on XD

Running on the treadmill again, I looked around as sweat dripped down my face. My ipod was blasting in my ears as I finished off the last 5 minutes of my run. The door opened and in walked Ashley Purdy with our baby girl. Yeah he is Ashley Purdy from Black Veil Brides and no we’re not married, not even close. See my name is Ariel Biersack and before you ask, Andy is my Brother! See that’s how Ashley and I met, through Andy and BVB.

“Here’s mummy” He coo’ed to the little girl in his arms. I stopped the treadmill, quickly grabbing my towel and wiping my face.
“Hey baby girl” I smiled kissing her forehead. As I picked her up out of Ashley’s arm, she giggled and smiled at me.
“I’m gonna go feed her” I said to Ashley, leaning up and giving him a quick kiss. Ash quickly stole my Ipod to listen to when he worked out.
“Looking good” He smirked at me, smacking my ass. I turned and glared at him. It had been 5 months since I had a Baby Harley and since her I’ve worked off my baby weight and good my self in the best shape of my life. Next month I was starting a tour with Art of War and I knew it was going to be pretty hectic.

After I fed Harley and put her to bed, I went back down our gym room. I looked in and Ashley was on the cross trainer, I smirked over at him as he looked up.
“I know a better way to work out” I winked. He walked over to me wrapping his arm around my waist. His chest was sweaty as I leant in to him.
“Do tell me about his work out” he grinned. I leant up kissing him, while biting down on his bottom lip, grabbing his hips I edged him away from the door. As we continued to back towards the stairs, His hands slipping down my back towards my ass. Gripping on he picked me up carrying me up the stairs. My legs tied around him hips, while my arms cling to his neck. His hair was a little sweaty from the work out, as was the rest of his body but I didn’t care.
“Where?”  he mumbled in between eager kisses.
“Shower” I moaned as he gently bit my ear. Luckily Ash made it easy for me already, not wearing a shirt I pushed his shorts off, smirking back up at him.
“My turn!” He grinned, sliding his hand up my back to my cropped sports top, he hooked it with his finger pulling it off over my head. His warm body sent shivers through me as I didn’t even realise he already got my shorts off. The water was already running hot as we stepped in, I tried to grip on to his shoulders as much as possible, with the water trickling down.  My back was steady against the wall as his body pushed against mine. I could feel all the muscles in his thighs, torso, shoulders and arms that had already pinned mine above my head. I was completely exposed to Ashley standing infront of me, the only thing covering our bodies was the layers of water streaming down from the shower. He started kissing me from my lips, along my jaw and down my neck, his teeth grazing along my bare skin. My hands fighting Ashley’s strength, I wanted to touch him, I wanted to grab on to his shoulders. As he continued to torment me down my chest with his mouth, his hips were pressed hard in to me. I could feel his erection, teasing me.
“Ashley!” I moaned getting annoyed yet still loving every minute of it. Slipping my wrist free from Ashley’s grip with the water, I slide it up his chest causing him to lose concentration and getting ticklish. I got my second hand free, using the wall behind me I lifted my self up slightly with the help of Ash. My legs wrapped around his hips, holding tightly, while finally he stopped teasing me. Feeling him, I gasped for air. The water splashed in my mouth as I tried to gather my breath. Our bodies kept sliding in the water as our rhythm sped up. My fingers dug in to his back as he kept going deeper and deeper and I was losing myself in what he was doing. My body only responding to his movements, I was a puppet and he my puppeteer.

Wrapping the towel around me, I quickly slipped out the bathroom to go check Harley. She was still fast asleep in her cot. She already had Ashley’s cheek bones and my dimples. I was so proud of her, she was the most perfect little baby ever. Always slept well and had the cheekiest grin, obviously inheriting that from Ashley.
“I agree that was a better work out” Ashley grinned coming up behind me. I whacked him pushing him out.
“Harley!”I growled.
“She can’t hear us...Yet” He winked. I whacked him again. Ash picked me up throwing my over his shoulder and walking back to my room...well our room. 

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