Heading off the rails

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This is dedicated to all your guys that are still here reading this, I almost gave up on this story but your comments have kept me going and trying so hard to give you the updates you deserve, thank you :D  xoxo

I don’t know how many hours passed but it seemed like a life time before I heard a rattle and some keys slide in to the front door. Looking over, tears stained all down my cheeks the light from the door opening hit my face and I could see Ash walking in. 

“Ash, where have you been ive been so worried” I jumped up running over to him, throwing my arms around him. Ash didnt answer nor did he respond to my hug. Just shrugged it off and went to walk up stairs. Taking the first step he turned around back to me, “I think we need to take a break”.

“What?” I asked.

“You heard me Ariel” he replied.

“Ash, Please I can explain, there just rumours, its not true” I pleaded.

“I want you out of my house by morning” he replied walking up the rest of the steps.

“Take your kid with you” were his last words before slamming “his” door shut.

I couldn’t believe what just happened, he was kicking me out and he has never been so cold towards Harley.  The words kept ringing through my head; my kid, I want you out...what was I going to do?

Looking at my phone, it was only around 9pm. I felt more alone now than before when Ashley wasn’t home. I wasn’t going to anger him anymore and be here, so I took as much stuff as I could and placing Harley in my car we left for a hotel. The last thing I needed was Andy finding out about this as well.

It was as if Harley knew something was wrong, she wouldn’t smile or laugh just sulked the whole time. She missed her Daddy, only he could make her smile when she was upset. Ash was always spending time with her and playing at night, she wouldn’t even go down for a nap. She was a smart kid already, still only being a few months old. She knew this wasn’t home, even though it was a fairly nice hotel room. It felt cold and so far away from home.

The next day, I knew I had to go to Andys and face everyone.  By the time I walked in the door, Ashley was already there. Stepping in the door, he looked up at me from the couch, our eyes met for a brief second and I thought he was going to say something, smile or even just come over and see Harley. But there was nothing, he just looked back down at his magazine he was reading.

“Is  that my baby girl?” I heard Andy jumping down the stairs, Batman tee and Batman mask in toe.

“Andy, your going to scare her” I giggled, trying to show a glimmer of my old self.

“nonsense, she loves her uncle....Isnt that right Harley? You’d never be afraid of uncle Andy” He took her from me, tickling her and finally I saw a smile on her face. Once again I was left again, I felt a pair of eyes burning on me and looking over I saw Ashley staring but he soon returned to reading his magazine.

I helped Juliet with lunch and we all sat down to eat. Sammy taking on feeding duties with Harley as her and Juliet were fighting over who got to have Harley. Staring at my plate I didnt realise Andy was talking to me until I saw CC waving his hand in my face and almost smacking me on my nose.

“Whhhhat?” I asked looking up, almost having a heart attack.

“You’ve been out of it all day” CC said.

“Sorry, just been thinking” I replied, pushing the fork around on my plate.

“About what?” Andy asked.

“Im thinking of moving back in with mum and dad” I blurted out, quick thinking on my part I thought. Which wasnt actually a bad idea. I looked around and everyone was giving me a strange look.


“I just came up with the suggestion....Just because we’re doing alot of work for the band and I cant always be here with Harley and Ariel is supposed to be stress free...” Ashley butted in. I don’t know what hurt more, Ashley actually butting in and agreeing to me moving away with Harley or the fact hes saying I should be stress free and yet hes the one causing me a whole heap of stress.

“we can always help with Harley” Sammy and Juliet said, eagerly.  

“ I think I should be away from everyone for a little bit, just concentrate on getting better”..... after all I still did have a severe ulcer and hopefully Ashley can get over his little issue. 

Later that day as I was packing my bag ready to leave with Harley, Ashley came over to me.

“I think its a good idea to move in with your parents” he said.

“Why .... because of my health or you just want me gone?” I asked, tears welling up in my eyes.

“You lied to me Ariel, you made me believe she was mine, you destroyed my life...” he spat.

“Destroyed your life? You call sleeping around with all kinds of sluts a LIFE?! She was and is the best thing that happened to you” I glared.

Ashley just stood there, he didnt even have an answer. I could see things ticking over in his mind. Maybe he did or was realising he was doing the wrong thing. I bent down grabbed my bag and walked passed him, pushing in to his shoulder. As I walked passed the kitchen I saw CC standing in the door way, he obviously heard everything that was said, he didnt say anything and neither did I.

I still had a few more things to get from Ashleys house before I left. Grabbing Harley out of the car I placed her in the Baby carrier and went in the house. As I started to collect something I heard a voice coming from the bed room. Walking up the stairs to Ashleys room i pushed the door open.

“About time baby......” then came an all mighty scream.

“Kina?!” I glared as she grabbed the sheet to try and cover  up her almost naked body scrawled around on mine and Ashleys bed....okay will now maybe just his bed.

“What are you doing here?” She asked.

“I live here!....” I said.

“Not what Ashley said yesterday” she replied.

“So thats where he was....with you?!” I growled.

“Of course” She grinned, “Im the best he’s ever had”

“Whats that supposed to mean” I growled again. I heard a door slam and then Ashley calling out.

“Ariel, what are you doing here?” He called  seeing my car.

Storming down stairs I grabbed Harley.

“Didn’t take long for you to move on, it was never going to be your intention to actually try and give me a chance to explain, you just wanted any excuse to go back to your perverted whore ways” I yelled.

“I never want you near my daughter again” I added opening the door.

“Fine by me, I never want to see her. You fucked up Ariel, just remember that, you lied to me, tricked me and made me fall in love with Harley when you knew she wasn’t mine” He said, calmly I might add.

“For the last fucking time Ashley, SHE IS YOURS!” I screamed, tears streaming down my face I took off getting in my car. Harley was crying and I couldn’t stop shaking from the anger inside.

Finally getting back to the hotel and my mum coming to get me in the morning I put Harley to bed after feeding her and sat down on the bed. How could Ashley not believe me. My head wouldn’t stop going round and round in circles. It just wouldn’t shut up! Looking over I saw the mini fridge, opening the door I grabbed all the mini alcohol bottles i could get and one by one I opened the lid  and drank them all until my head finally shut up....

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