Disappointment and Mysterious Phone Calls

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I finally got Harley down after a long day, falling on the bed I instantly fell asleep. Since I returned to being the Lead Vocalist of Art of War, things have been so hectic. I haven’t stopped running around and doing this all the day. I have shows, Meet and Greets then another flight and Im back performing. I do love it though, I just wish I had my mum here to look after Harley. It was incredible hard trying to look after her and perform as well when Ashley as well had his own shows and own obligations.

Waking up, I looked around as the darkened room. Looking at the clock it was 3am. I was still in my clothes from the previous day. Looking next to me, Ashley wasn’t there. It didnt look like he had even come to bed. Struggling to get up, my aching body wanted to punish me for everything I have been doing the past week.  I could hear some almost silent chatting and mumbleing. Walking around the corner I saw Ashley hunched over sitting on the couch. He had his back to me and looked quite stressed.

“I cant talk about this now. You know what I wanted” He gritted his teeth. I was quite confused, I knew better than to eaves drop but my legs wouldn’t let me move.

“That wasn’t what we agree on!” Ashley stabbed rubbing his forehead.

“No I don’t want you doing that!” he added. I had no idea who he was talking to but it was a very strange conversation.

“Just sort it out and Don’t call me like that again, the last I need it Ariel finding out!” He snapped again. Jumping at that, I quickly turned and ran for the bed. Ashley couldn’t find out I was eaves dropping.  I pulled the covers over me and rested my head on the pillow closing my eyes as hard as I could. My heart pounded in my ears. I heard Ashley trudging back in, he sat down on the side of the bed and sighed.

“You alright?” I asked, sitting on and putting a hand on his back.

“Hey Sleepy, im okay, I didnt wake you did I?” He asked.

“No, just woke up when you sat down” I smiled, sitting up. I sat behind him, rubbing his neck and shoulders.

“mmm that feels so good” he smiled, turning he kissed me on the hand.

“Your stressing about something” I added. I felt Ash’s body tense at my words.

“Im fine, I .... just get stressed with touring like this. All flying, I cant keep track of my stuff...You know I always worry about the airlines taking my baby, what if she gets broken?” he asked.  I knew Ashley was talking about his Bass  guitar.

“Dont worry if anything happens, I’ll follow the flight attendants orders and I’ll be fine” I winked.

“You know what I mean!” he smiled and pulling me closer.

“I miss seeing you smile all the time” I looked up at him tracing my finger on his cheek.

“Im sorry, Im just so stressed out” he replied, he laid his head down on my lap.

“Whats wrong?” I asked.

Silence, Ashley just laid there silent. I could see he was thinking...hard.

“Ash” I mumbled.

“Whats wrong” I asked again.

“Nothing, just the usual” he replied not looking at me.  I was dying to ask Ash who was on the phone but I hated the thought of him thinking I was spying on him.

The next day wasn’t much better. We got up early for a 6am flight. I was sitting in my seat with Harley waiting for takeoff. Ashley was sitting next to me, playing on his iPad. I turned over and smiled at him, reaching over he kissed me on my forehead. It wasn’t that much longer when Ash’s phone started ringing again. He looked at it and had a strained look on his face.

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