Getting back to basics

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got to the airport and was dying for a coffee. Harley was very excited and running around every where. I chased her in to a store where she picked up a small stuffed zebra with big bright pink eyes. She started playing with it and when I finally caught up to her she shoved it in my face.

“No Harley, we’re going to get breakfast” I said.
“No!” she screamed.
“Harley” I said alittle more forcefully and tried to grab the toy.
“NO!” She yelled, still gripping on to it tighter.
“Harley!! Im not joking, come on” I was seriously not in the mood. She knew this too, she started pouting her lip and her eyes filled with tears. All I could see was Ash when he didnt get his way. The tears started and rolling down her checks, I sighed.
“Okay, Okay” I smiled grabbing the toy before my  heart broke any more at her sad and devious little face. I paid for the toy and handed it back to her.
“Can we go get breakfast now?” I asked. Grinning from ear to ear she took my hand and we walked out.

It seemed like such a long flight, Ash and I hadn’t spoken at all nor had he really acknowledged Harley. Which I didnt mind, I was keeping her to myself. We all got out of the shuttle bus and were walking to check in to the hotel. Today was a off day, everyone needed to rest before the last show. Harley stepped up on to the pavement, clutching her zebra toy. Andy was standing waiting as everyone got out, Harley reached up and grabbed Andy’s hand. He smiled down at her and while we all grabbed out bags, He walked hand in hand with Harley in to the reception. We checked in and went up to our rooms. Andy picked Harley up and put her on his shoulders. I felt an over whelming feeling of love and happiness, my brother and my gorgeous daughter. Andy Idolised her and would do anything for her,  he was definitely wrapped around her finger.
“U’cle Andy” Harley stuttered.
“Ice Cweam!” She added giggling.
“You’ll have to ask Mummy first” Andy said, not even protesting.
“Yes you can go” I smiled, walking down to corridors to our rooms.

Ashley and I still hadn’t spoken, we were in our room alone. Harley had gone with Andy and Jinxx for Ice Cream and Jake was skyping his girlfriend. I was leaning over my bag, trying to find my ipod charger when I felt Ashley’s hand run down my thighs as I felt his body press up against my back. He took a deep breath in and rested his head on my shoulder.
“I don’t want to have sex” I replied, still fiddling around in my bag.
“Thats not what I wanted” he replied almost hurt.
“Its what you always want” I replied and almost instantly, he turned me around so I was facing him.
“Why don’t we go do something, Andy is looking after Harley, we have time just for us” he replied.
“What do you suggest?” I answered, humouring him.
“How about I kick your ass at Bowling again?” he winked.
“Oh you so did not kick my ass, you cheated!” I reminded him.
“So is that a yes?” He grinned.
“Only so I can kick your ass again!” as quickly as I replied, I grabbed my bag and we were off. Walking down the corridor to the lifts, Ashley grabbed my hand and  held it tight.
“Im sorry about everything” he leaned across in my ear.
“Just promise me, no more Secrets” I said. Ashley nodded and kissed me on the forehead.
Even though, those phone calls did bug me and I knew Ash was keeping something from me, I just wanted to stop being angry at him so this was really good. Ash was acting like is old self and opening the door for me to walk out the hotel he smacked me on the ass. To which i turned, kinking both hands with him leaning up and smacked a hot, hard kiss on kiss lips.
“Some ones in a good mood” he murmured breathless.
“I feel happy, just starting fresh with you and not worrying about the last few days” I smiled.
“I am really sorry about the show” he added.
“I don’t want to hear it” I grinned and pulled him along to the Taxi.

We arrived at the bowling alley and bought two games and grabbed our bowling shoes.
“definitely a  new fashion statement” I laughed at Ash, his feet looked huge!
He picked up too bowling balls and walked over to me.
“Want to borrow one of my balls?” he winked.
“I’d love too” I smiled, grabbing the bright pink ball in his left hand.
“Not as impressive as I thought” I added, feeling that it was quite light.
I was up first, lining up I took a few steps then bowled the ball down the alley knocking over all but three pins to the right.
I shrugged my shoulders and waited for my ball to come back.
“Look at me” Ash called to me and I looked up and he had his phone out, picking up the pink ball I posed with my tongue out and doing t he rick symbol with my other hand. I turned back around to my three standing pins, took a deep breath. Stepped forward and bowled the ball down the alley.
Written across the Screen was ‘SPARE’, knocked over the last three remaining pins. Turning around I was so confident, put my hands in the air and paraded back to Ash.
“Yeah, well done” he said nonchantly, “But lets watch the master now” he laughed.
Ash walked up, picked up the black bowling ball and walked over ready, He stood there for a few minutes and then bowled. I watched anxiously. It started veering was getting so close then down it goes.
“GUTTER BALL!” I grinned, giggling.
“That was on purpose! I only need one ball to knock all the pins” He winked.
“Come on show me” I laughed. He took the next ball, concentrating even harder he bowled it down and knocked over 6 pins.
“Only polite to let you have the best score first go” he replied walking back.
“I don’t need a handicap to beat your ass again” I smiled getting up to take my next go.

As it was I bowled at Strike, turning around I smirked.
“I owe you” I laughed pointing at Ash.
He laughed getting up to bowl, “we will see about that”.
As it was he bowled at Strike too.
“That was just luck” I giggled.
“Was it now?” he smiled and pinched my sides as I was still sitting down and he was leaning down towards me, hands on the side of the chair holding himself up.

After our first game, we decided to get some food. We ordered chips, hotdogs and ice cold slushies. I squirted so much tomato sauce on my hot dog it was almost dripping down my fingers.
“You have....” Ash motioned as I felt the sauce on my face, I thought he was going to do the usual lean in and kiss me instead, he wiped it all over my nose.
“Ash!” I whined! Rubbing it off.
“Your so mean to me” I teased.
“You love it” he replied winking.

All in all I had an amazing day, it was like Ash and I were back to ourselves even before Harley. We were teasing each other and laughing, I couldn’t remember the last time I was this happy and had absolutely no worries at all. After our bowling we found a little pub, around the corner of the bowling alley. It was a roof top bar, so we headed up stairs and found a little table with a couch. There were potted plants and little fairy lights all around the roof top. It was a clear sky as the sun was setting, beautiful orangey and red colours filled the sky. We sat down and the waiter came out with a blanket for us to share. It was getting cooler as the night went on. We ordered some wedges and a tasting plate of dips. It was a really nice way to end the day. Ashley lent back and pulled me on to his chest. I pulled the blanket around us as we talked and watched the sky change from the warm colours to dark and a starry night.

“Have you enjoyed the tour?” I asked Ash.
“Yeah definitely, Fans are awesome! Always love being on the road” he replied, smile crossing his face.
“Its been really good” I added.
“But?” he asked, noticing that I hadn’t been so confident in my answer.
“Dont get me wrong, its been awesome, getting back to the band and performing but im scared about going home” I replied, rest my head away from Ash so he couldn’t see my face. I was scared about going home....I didnt have a home, was I just going back to my parents. I couldn’t go back with Ashley, that place just reminds me of Kina all the time.
“I don’t have a home” I added, almost silently.
“Yes you do, you home is with me” Ash said.
“No, I cant go back Ash, it just reminds me of everything thats happened, I told you” I answered getting very defensive. We sat in silence for a few moments. The tension in the air could have been cut with a knife. I would love nothing more than to be a family with Ash, we have grown up so much over the passed year.
“How do you feel about more kids?” Ashley asked out of no where.
“I.....” I stuttered speechless. A cheeky grin spread over his face. Breaking out in a huge smile myself, “I definitely want more kids....a little mini Ashley Purdy” I laughed. Instantly I remembered seeing the first time Ashley hold Harley, he lit up and was the proudest person ever.
“I love you” I smiled.
“I love you too” Ash answered, pulling me in close, squeezing me tight. I could hear his heart beating in his chest, closing my eyes, I could smell his aftershave. This was the perfect moment, all my worries about going back home had gone and I was just lost being with Ash. Like the old times.

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