Birthday Wishes

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A/N: Im so sorry guys it has taken me this long! Been so busy with Uni work and essays I just couldnt write anything :)  I never forgot about it though, thanks so much for sticking with me! Love you all!!! xxx

“Damn, she’s beautiful”  I exclaimed kneeing down looking at the specimen  of a bike standing in front of me. I knew Ashley would love her, yes the bike was a ‘her’. Andy was keeping Ashley busy while I picked up his birthday present, we all chipped in to get Ashley a new bike. I knew he had been looking at his one for a while but would never say it. 

“Just sign here and she’s all yours” Mike smiled handing me the papers. Mike and I had been talking about this bike for quite a while now and he was teaching me everything about it. He gave me my helmet and smiled.  Before jumping on the bike I took my phone out and texted Andy.

“Just got the bike, coming now”

“Sweet, We’ll be waiting” he replied back to me. We hadn’t told Ashley anything, so hopefully they’d be outside waiting somewhere when I pulled up on the bike. Pulling the helmet on, I was alittle nervy about riding this beautiful bike for the first time. I only just recently got my bike licence, again without Ashley knowing for his birthday of course. As the bike rev’ed underneath me, I understood why Ashley loved riding bikes so much.

I took the bike out of the workshop and on to the road, about to make the short trip back home and finally see Ashley for his birthday.  I could see the house from here and I turned down the street, there were a few people standing outside near the garage. I could be Ashley was wondering what was going on. I looked up and could see them all looking over as they heard the sweet sound from the bike, turning in to the drive way I looked uo slightly and Ashley’s jaw had dropped. Im not sure if he knew it was me yet. The bike stopped and Ashley stepped forward slighty, I pulled the helmet off and grinned at him.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” I giggled and stepped off the bike. He eyes darted from me to the bike and back to me.

“I don’t know what to be more excited about seeing you, the bike or you riding the bike!” he exclaimed.

“Well the bike is from all of us” Andy came up placing a hand on his shoulder.

“I can’t believe you guys did this for me” he looked around at all of us.

“You deserve it” CC grinned, also checking out the bike.  I hugged Ashley tight, wishing him happy birthday again but he was concentrating on the bike. I went over to Juliet and grabbed Harley, thankfully having her in my arms again.

“That was hot” he winked at me.

“The bike?” I asked.

“You on the bike! Think that image will be stuck in Ashley’s mind for a while!” she grinned at me.

I watched as Ashley and the other guys checked out the bike. I couldn’t help but smile as he jumped on and looked so relaxed and happy sitting there.  He turned the key in the ignition and grinned hearing the roaring motor underneath him.

“Sweet!” Jake smiled as everyone else agreed.

“You taking it for a spin?” Jake asked.

“Hell Yeah! Just waiting for my girl” Ashley replied as I looked up and smiled. Juliet took Harley from me as I put my helmet back on. I jumped on the back of the bike, slipping my arm around Ashley’s waist and grinned. I knew this was going to be the perfect birthday for him.

An hour easily went by as we drove around the streets and big open roads. Ashley pulled over on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. Taking his helmet off he turned and looked at me smirking.

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