Sun, Sand and Music

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 want to Dedicate it to everyone reading for sticking around but most of all Dedicated to _bvb_army_101 for giving me the last bit of motivation to start writing again.

I love this story and its been a real struggle for me to keep going I desperatly want to give it the ending it deserves and one that you all love but struggling with much of writers block plus recently a lot of  medical issues it has been hard.
Thank you!!! xoxox

I stretched out my arms out wide and sighed, a smile crept across my face. This was my first day in Australia. I got up walked over to my balcony and looked over at the beautiful waves and incredible sunshine. We were on the sunshine coast, or really the Gold coast and it was spectacular.

There was a knock at the door, grabbing my silk dressing gown and opened the door. Andy stood there with nothing but Board shorts on and his towel on hand.
“Ready for the beach?” He grinned.
“Andy your going to burn, I hope you have sun screen!” I laughed letting him in.
“Umm...can I borrow yours?” He asked shyly.
“Here” I answered handing a bottle to him.
“Is my little Princess ready for a swim?” Andy went over to Harley’s bed.
She was sitting up giggling.

Andy helped me get her ready and we headed down to the beach. I walked Harley down to the waters’ edge and she jumped around giggling and laughing trying to grab the water and splash it everywhere. I was kneeling down playing with her when I saw a dark shadow coming over me, looking up squinting I recognised a very wet, very good looking Ashley Purdy.
“Morning” he smiled.
“Morning to you too” I grinned, getting a little flustered.
“Dada” she called up to him.  Ashley sat next to her and started teasing and splashing water at her.
In that moment I was so at peace, everything was perfect, the sun was beaming down and I couldn’t help but look over at my beautiful daughter and her father and just smile. My heart just melted...
“What?” Ashley asked looking over at me, breaking my thoughts.
I took at deep breath and smiled.
“Im just happy”
“Me too” he replied leaning over and putting his arm around me. We sat there, legs out  and the water gently surrounding our feet up to our knees as Harley wondered around trying to pick up water and grabbing all sorts of shells.

As we were sitting there not saying a word Andy came up behind us and tipped a whole bucket of sea water over us.
I screamed jumping to my feet, I could hear Harley giggling and laughing.
“ANDY!” I yelled chasing him, I bent down grabbing sand and throwing it at him. Although it didn’t work as well as a snow ball usually does. It just burst and sand particles flew everywhere.
“Oww!” Andy grumbled rubbing his eyes as the sand got in there. As soon as he stopped I saw a opportunity and jumped on him back tackling him to the ground.
“OW!” Andy yelped.
“Ariel!” he begged.
“Say your sorry!” I said holding him down.
“For what? You got sand in my eyes” he yelled.
“You tried to drown me!” I said back.
“I did not!” he fought back.
“Your such a Liar!” I said pinching him.
“OW! Ariel stop! Your hurting me” he said trying not to laugh aswell.
“Your such a shit!” I laughed and fought Andy like we used too.
“Help! Help!” he called out trying to push me off. I was laughing so hard until I felt a cold wet arm around my waist.
“NO Ash! Thats not fair! Thats two against one!” I yelled and kicked around.
“Chuck her in!” Andy yelled!
“Ashley! Dont you dare!!” I screamed. But before I knew it Ash has run in the water and threw me in. Holding my breath as the cool sea water surrounded me and I sank to the bottom. I jumped and gasping for air.
“ASHLEY!” I yelled! Charging after him, Ashley had run up the beach grabbing Harley in his arms.
“Help me Harley! Mummy is trying to hurt me” he whimpered, teasingly.
“Dont use our daughter!” I yelled running up to him.
“Mum mum no!” Harley put her hands up.
“Harley, come here...your Daddy was being mean to me” I replied sweetly.
“NO!” she yelled pushing away from me.
“Nice one, now your turned my own daughter on me” I sooked. Ashley couldn’t help but laugh.
“Thats my girl” He smiled, kissing her cheek.
“There was a time I was your girl” I breathed to myself looking down, squeezing the water out of my hair.
“You will always be my girl” Ashley whispered walking past and gently smacking my ass. It made me jump, I was half hoping he didn’t hear that.....Smiling I shook my head...I wanted Ashley to hear that, I knew that deep down and it made me smile what he said. Maybe we still had hope.

Later that afternoon, the band were at a prep day for soundwave tomorrow. They were getting used to all the stage sizes, what would be happening, how things worked and performing in this hot Australian sun. I dressed Harley in her black tutu skirt and Black Veil brides No.1 Fan top along with her favourite black converse. I threw on my black skinny jeans, black converse, a BVB tee and my favourite Studded Black  jean vest.
“Dad dad” Harley mumbled looking up at me.
“Its okay, We’re going to see him now, as well as your uncles” I smiled and picked her up, holding her on my hip I grabbed my bag and we left the hotel.

The sun was quite warm when we got out of the taxi, I made sure Harley had plenty of Sun screen on. Flashing our passes we entered the site, all the stages were set up and there were a few people running around yelling on walkie talkies. Harley walked along side me, gripping my hand as she treaded all the grass and dirt carefully.

I walked around finding the right stage and couldn’t help but smile, I just had this feeling that something was changing for the better. Just as the smile crept over my face, I heard some one calling my name. Looking over I saw Tim, my eyes bugged out. I didnt even realise they were playing Soundwave! This was the first time I was facing Tim since they kicked me out of the  band. Quickly I picked Harley up and turning on my heel went in the opposite direction hoping he wouldn’t follow me. My heart pounded, my mind went blank I could feel the hurt and rage building up. I wanted to give him a piece of my mind on what they had done, they wrecked so much.

“Ariel!” I heard as a hand laid on my shoulder. My thoughts shattered as I saw the smiling face of Jinxx.
“Thank god” I sighed.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Yeah....” I shook my head, washing away my previous 10 seconds of panic.
“Just saw Tim....I didnt know they were here” I sighed.
“ that the first time you’ve seen them since....the...” he asked trying to find the right words.
“Since they kicked me out...yeah it is” I bit my lip.
“They’re idiots! Any one can see your a star and could front any band....and between you and me they suck without you” he hugged me and tickled Harley as she laughed and tried to yell ‘No’ pushing his hand away.
“Come on” he said, “we’re going to start a practice set” he pulled me over towards the right stage set up. Harley and I sat on the grass in front of the stage as the guys played a few songs and mucked around. Harley was also so incredibly happy listening and watching the guys play, she always had a smile on her face. She stood infront of me and holding my hands she was laughing and jumping around. They all kept calling out and waving to her.

A few hours later, we all decided to leave and grab some dinner. Andy held Harley as we walked back to the entrance to get a cab. As we walked passed one of the stages, we all noticed it was my old band. They were just about to finish their practice, I looked over and caught eyes with Travis, he smiled and lifted his hand to wave. Thats when Ashley put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me along. It made me feel protected, like he had my back. He understood how much they hurt me.
“You don’t need them” he whispered, as he edged me to keep going. I pushed a smile on my face looking up at him.
“Thank you” I said. He lent down and kissed me on the forehead, he always knew what to do.
“What did i tell you” Jinxx called to me, “They’re shit without you” he replied to himself.
I love these guys to pieces.

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