Broken hearts and life never after

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I sat on the swings at the park, kicking the dirt up.

“I thought I might find you here”

I looked up and sighed as Andy approached me.

“I could always find you here after you used to storm out the house” he added sitting next to me.

“You know me too well” I added.

“Ariel, why didn’t you tell Ashley you weren’t ready?” he asked.

“We never really talked about it” I replied. Andy knew of all people that I wasn’t even close to be ready for marriage.

“You have a child now, things are a little different than before” he replied.

“So? I’m still not ready”

“I think you should look to the future for you and Harley, where do you see it?” he asked.

“Andy I don’t know...I’m only 21! I mean look at you!”

“What about me?” he asked.

“Your 22, are you ready to get married!?”

“Well no...” he let his head drop realising the same situation.

“Just because I have a child doesn’t mean I’m ready to get married...hell I never thought Ashley of all people would be ready to get married” I replied starting. Andy looked over at me glaring.

“Okay I know” I replied retreating, that was harsh and I knew Ashley better than that.

“You know it’s hard for him but he opened up and ...”

“Yeah I know Andy but what am I supposed to do now?” I asked, my eyes drenched in tears.

“Let’s just go back” Andy said standing up and holding out his hand. I took it as he pulled me up and we walked arm in arm back to the house.

“Remember when you chased me down the street” he laughed.

“Which time? The one when you stole my shirt? Or the one when hid my guitar?” I laughed.

“The one when I accidently broke your CD” Andy laughed.

“I knew you broke it” I elbowed him; I laughed. We walked back to the house arm in arm; I knew no matter how old we were Andy would always be there for me.

“Thanks Andy” I hugged him before we entered the house.

“You know I love you sis” he smiled tighten his grip. Smiling back I let go and then took that first step in the house. It was much quieter than before, no more cheer or excitement. I entered the family room and every one’s eyes beamed back at me.  

“Ariel” Sammi ran over to me, I looked around before facing her and I realised Ashley was gone. Sammi pulled me out of the room and Juliet quickly followed.

“Are you okay?” Sammi asked as we all sat down.

“I’m fine” I replied looking at both of them, suddenly I felt so cold and empty.

“Where’s Ashley?” I asked looking at both of them before they could question me anymore.

“He left...not long after you” Sammi replied.

“I thought he came after you with Andy” Juliet added.

“No...I haven’t seen him” I choked; I knew I had to explain everything to him. I heard Harley starting to cry and that was my break, I had to get away from their questions. I knew Sammi was going to ask everything that was going on in my head and most importantly why I said no. I picked Harley up and held her close in my arms. Soothing her, I held back my tears, she was the only thing at the moment that I had of Ashley.

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