'You will not print that'

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“One two three....”

SNAP!  There goes another photograph. I fell back to my feet after jumping on the guys from behind for a photo. Me apart of the newly formed ‘Art of war’ are being featured and cover shot of Kerrang!

I guess everyone was curious on how things were changing and now I’m the new front of the band and I have a child! I walked off set and grabbed a drink, we had been at this for a few hours now with hair and makeup.

“That’s a wrap guys, we got our cover” Called one of the directors. I hi-5’ed Travvy as he walked past to get a drink too. We were all about to sit down for the interview.

We all sat down in a group and all asked the usual questions what we see for the coming year, the tour starting Jan 1st, our favourite places to travel. Then came my questions on how it was to have me in the band and how I was finding it. I answered as best as I could I mean this was public media.

“Your Baby Girl Harley, Will she be joining you on tour?” He asked.

“Yeah, for little bits so I can see her, I don’t want her to be on tour all the time though, but I will miss her and so will her father” I smiled, thinking about my little girl.

“We’re all really excited and glad to help out with Harley as much as possible, she’s just adorable” Tim smiled, helping me out. I returned the smile in a thank you manner, I know this was going to be hard having her.

“How does the father feel about this?”

“Ask him yourself” Travis laughed, I looked up and Ashley had just walked in with Harley in his arms. I got up smiling as I walked over to him, leaning up I gave him a quick kiss then taking Harley.

“Hey Baby girl” I smiled holding her in my arms. I heard Tim saying to the guy to continue the interview after and he nodded in agreement.

“How’s it going?” Ash asked me.

“Okay, just wish I was home with you” I replied, It just wasn’t the same anymore.

I was sitting down with Harley and Tim, when I overheard the guy from Kerrang! Talking to Ashley.

“So how do you feel about Harley being on tour?” he asked.

“I’m fine with it, Ariel is a great mum” Ashley replied.

“So you are her biological father than?” he asked. My eyes bolted over towards them.

“Errr...Yeah....” Ashley stumbled, confused about why he just asked that.

“No one knew you were a couple” He replied nonchalantly.

“we’ll we weren’t” Ashley replied stunned.

“Oh so there is a possibility....” he started off.

“That’s enough...this interview is over!” I glared angrily.   

“Oh this wasn’t...” The guy started getting nervous knowing he was in the wrong.

“We’re done, All of us” I replied pulling Ashley away. All the guys were standing up looking over realising what was coming on. I took Harley back from Tim and Ashley grabbed my bag.

“Ariel, wait” James the manager started.

“No, they have no right saying that, or hinting it, They will not print that!” I growled angrily, trying not to disturb Harley.

“I wasn’t going too, I was just talking” He tried to defend himself.

“Not cool Mate” Jason backed me up.

“I think you’ve got what you need” Added Travis looking over. Ashley opened the door for me and I stormed out holding Harley close in my arms. I tried not to cry, I was trying to hold it together.

“Ariel, What’s wrong?” Ashley asked as we got outside.

“I just hate people trying to get in to our lives” I replied.

“But they do that because of who we are” He replied. I sighed trying to calm down.

“Don’t worry about  them, we’re happy, we have a beautiful baby girl” He continued, holding both of us in a hug.

“Ariel” The rest of the guys came out.

“You alright?” Jason asked. I nodded, trying to muster a smile.

“They had no right saying that to you Ash” Tim added.

“It’s done now” I rolled my eyes.

We said our goodbyes and I went back home with Ashley. As we drove it was complete silence, I just looked out the window. Did Ashley question whether he was the father? Would it be different if I wasn’t Andy’s sister? Would he have dis-owned Harley or made me get a paternity test? All these things ran through my head as a tear slipped down my cheek. Grabbing the sleeve of my jumper I quickly wiped it away hoping no one would notice.  The world flew by me as I felt like I was sinking in a pit.

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