Heartache and sneaking around

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Running off stage, I beamed with energy. I jumped on Travis, screaming how excited I was. The crowd was amazing and everyone was really supporting me leading the band. We tried to calm down a bit but we could hear all the screaming fans outside wanting us to come out. I checked my phone and I had plenty of time to see some fans and then get my stuff together.

We walked outside and the fans cheered and were calling us over.

“ARIEL! ARIEL!!!” I Heard, smiling over I walked over to some fans. They held out books and posters for me to sign, asking me questions and wanting photos with me. They were so supportive and I just loved hanging with the fans, I looked at the time again and figured I could stay another 10 minutes.

Looking over I saw a girl in a Black Veil brides t-shirt,  I smiled at her however my smile was met by her dark angry gaze.

“How could you do that to Ashley” she yelled at me. I looked at her confused and then a girl next to her yelled at me as well.

“You don’t deserve him or to be a ‘Biersack!”

‘What the hell’ I thought, why are they attacking me. My face dropped, I was so shocked, turning to walk away, more fans were screaming at me to come over, but I couldn’t face them. I was hurt by what they yelled, yeah it was only two fans but this has never happened before, especially by the BVB army. I got on the bus and slumped down to the couch, thoughts rushing through my head.

“Hey Ariel” Jason came over and sat with me, before he could ask any more questions I looked at the time.

“I gotta go” I get up, going to the back of the bus to my bunk. I was trying to avoid everyone at all costs, Grabbing my bag I quickly and quietly tried to head out to the waiting car.

“Say Hi to Harley and give her our love” Travis called out.

“I will” I smiled, trying to hide my tears. I got in the car and headed to the airport. Pulling the zip of my hoodie up high and pulled the hood over my head. I didn’t want to see any one or be hassled by anything.

Boarding the plane was the same as usual, I found my seat and curled up near the window. Looking out at the night sky I couldn’t wait to hold my baby girl again. Breathing hot breath on to the glass, I traced a small heart, something in my stomach told things were about to get a whole lot worse.

“ladies and gentlemen, we have been given the all clear for take-off, please take your seats, making sure your luggage is stowed and put away safely” The flight attendant called over the PA.

Closing my eyes, I tried to think of something happy;

A few months ago, Ashley took me out while Andy and Juliet were baby-sitting Harley. He had found a small hidden ranch that I had never heard of before.

“What are we doing?” I asked him as we walked hand in hand.

“You’ll see” he winked at me, he was like a little kid; So excited, eyes full of glee. I should have known something was up as he was wearing his favourite cowboy hat and boots. It wasn’t long before Ashley was bringing a horse out of the stables and towards me. Damn it was sexy seeing him in his hat and boots with a horse! The horse was a beautiful chestnut brown colour, which suited him perfectly.

“You don’t expect me to ride do you?” I asked.

“I’m going to teach you” he smiled holding the horse still. I reluctantly got up on the horse and tried to get my balance. I had never been on a horse before, but I couldn’t say no to Ashley; he was too excited and proud. He began to slowly walk around, guiding the horse as I got comfortable.

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