Happy Christmas Never After

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I was lying in bed, Andy and Juliet decided to baby sit tonight to give Ashley and I a break; Especially tomorrow being Christmas.  I was replying to tweets I had received from fans, checking up on other friends when Ashley called out to me.

“Close your eyes!”

“Why?” I asked looking towards the door.

“Because I want to give you; your Christmas present” he yelled back. Reluctantly, I did as he said.

“Okay” I yelled.

“Have you got them closed?”

“Yes!” I laughed.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes Ashley!” I yelled back, wanting to sneak a peek.

“Open up” he said to me, opening my eyes I was a little scared. Except standing in front of me was none other than Ashley Purdy almost butt naked. Hands on his hips, he had a devious smirk and tied around his hip covering up his penis was a santa hat.

“Oh my god Ashley!” I laughed, “It’s not Christmas yet”

“In three...two...one” the clocked ticked over to 12 and it was officially Christmas day and in order to celebrate Ashley pulled the tie holding his ‘Santa hat’ up and it dropped to the floor.

“Merry Christmas” He smirked.

“And what makes this so special?” I asked as he came over.

“Oh, I’m going to make you scream!” He winked.

I groaned hearing my phone ring, my arms and legs were all tangled in Ashley.

“Where’s your phone?” He grumbled. Pulling something out from under the pillow I answered it.

“Hello?” I mumbled, not being able to open my eyes, Ashley’s arm wrapped about my waist.

“Ariel, where are you, its past 8 o’clock” Andy asked anxiously.

“Oh shit! We slept in” I jumped up.

“Be there in a minute” I added and hung up.

“Ash, get up, it’s passed 8 o’clock, we were meant to be there over two hours ago” I hissed throwing his shirt at him. He stumbled up, throwing jeans on as we tried to grab all the presents and decorations.

“I can’t believe we’re late on Harley’s first Christmas!” I mumbled.

“It’s okay” Ashley pulling me in to a quick hug and calm me down. He kissed me and smiled grabbing my face,

“She’ll forgive us” he added.

We ran in the door and Andy was walking around with Harley showing her all the decorations.

“Hey Harley” I took her from him, giving her a massive cuddle. Ashley came over kissing her on the head. She smiled and giggled looking up at us.

“Merry Christmas” I hugged Andy, while Ashley took Harley; there was nothing more I loved than seeing Ashley holding Harley.

I helped Juliet in the kitchen, just like a real homey family Christmas. I know it’s been hard being on tour all the time; the guys have been away from their family for all the important holidays. Today was going to be a traditional Christmas at home.

“This is the way Christmas is meant to be ‘ey Ash, Women in the kitchen, us with a beer” Andy joked.

Before Ashley could reply, Juliet flung a tea towel at him.

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