Saviour & the thorn in my side

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There was a loud banging at the door and yelling. I could barely recognise what was going on. My head as still hurting from god knows how many days ago and my body ached. Slowly sitting up I could see figures moving around, I think it was Damian yelling at whoever was out side the door. 

“Ariel, Stay in bed” I heard him call. Eventually I started recognising my surroundings. My clothes were all scattered around the ground, I was sitting in Damians bed... naked. There were empty bottles and what I think was cocaine next to me on the table.

The next minute the front door flew open and Andy barged in. What the fuck was he doing here I questioned to myself. How did he know where I was?

“Ariel! Your coming with me” He yelled.

“Andy Back off, Ariel is fine here” I heard Damian growled shoving Andy back, trying to get him back out the door.

“Fucking back off Damian, do you really want to do this again you mother fucker” he yelled, gripping Damian’s collar.

“Biersack Get the fuck out of my place” Damian shouted. Out of nowhere came this flaming right hook, smashing Damian in the face. It was like I was watching in slow motion, Andy’s fist connected with Damian’s face and I swear almost broke his jaw. He stumbled back, hand clutching his face.

“She’s my fucking sister, you touch her again I’ll kill you” Andy spat at the hunched over Damian, and ran over to me.

“Andy?” I stumbled as he knelt before me.

“Im here Ariel, Are you okay?” he asked taking my hands.

“No....”I cried, leaning down he wrapped his arms around me and swiftly picked me up with ease. That was always unexpected of Andy was how strong he actually was. I was in a dream, nothing felt real.

Sweat dripped down my face and my eyes jolted open. Looking around I was back in my old bed at home. Was that a dream? I questioned.  Slowly sitting up, I took a huge gulp of the water that sat next to me; on the bedside table. I also grabbed the two asprin for my headache. Waking up a bit more, I grabbed some trackies and my hoodie. Opening my door I heard some voices down stairs. Quietly taking each step carefully so I wouldn’t fall, I heard Andy’s voice.

“Hey Sleeping beauty” I heard him say. Looking up, I saw Andy, Jinxx, Jake and CC.

“Hi” I mumbled and slowly took some steps to the couch, Andy put his arm around me and squeezed me tight.

“Dont ever do that again, you hear?” He scolded.

“Andy...” I stuttered as my head started to hurt again.

“You’ve been gone for over 2 weeks with that fucker, what were you thinking” He snapped.

“Clearly I wasn’t” I snapped back, infuriated.


“You don’t know whats going on Andy” I muttered rubbing me head.

“Please, Ariel, we know everything” Andy replied. I looked up at all of the guys and they nodded, trying to comfort me.

“So what you’ve come here to save me?” I asked.

“All I have is Harley and I don’t deserve her, im the worst mother...” I cried.

“Thats not true” CC jumped in first to defend me. Tears ran down my face as I sniffed trying to stifle my tears.

“We’re all here for you” Jinxx added.

“Clearly not all of you” I choked.

“All of us”......

Looking up i recognised that voice, Ashley stepped around from the corner with Harley in his arms. She giggled and  coo’ed reaching her arm out to me. Ashley walked over to me as Harley reached out trying to get to me. The guys got up and left the room.

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