Naughty Pleasures and Secrets Revealed

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Thank you for being all so patient, I hope this story lives up to your expectations and you enjoy it xoxoxoxox

It was the last performance today, Soundwave was over, my trip to Australia.

"Where are we going today Harley?" I asked packing her stuff.

"meri-ca!" she stuttered.

"Thats right, were going home, we'll see Grandma and Grandpa too!" I smiled. I still had a whole knot in my gut. I was scared, I had nothing to go back too. I was folding my clothes to put them back in my suitcase when Ash came over, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and placing his chin on my neck.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah..." I nodded continuing what I was doing. He knew I wasn't, but didnt press any more.

"You seem happy" I said.

"Yep!" he smiled, " Everything is just working out" he grinned.

"That must have been a pretty amazing phone call" I remarked, still annoyed I never found out who we he was talking too.

"Its not what you think" he replied.

"I never said anything" I answered, knowing it sounded like he was cheating. It was a little awkward silence.

"Come on, lets take Harley for Ice Cream" I turned and smiled to him, his arms wrapped still around me.

"Its only 10am" he replied confused.

"So?!" I grinned, cheekily.

"Dare devil" he laughed, kissing me hard. His kiss was soft and passionate, some how it put me at ease, that everything was going to be okay.

We sat at the near the beach where the ice cream parlour was. Harley was sitting near the beach we sat at, picking the flowers she could reach around her. I sat with Ash's arm around me, leaning close to him. The beach was quite quiet, only a few walkers going past. My last few hours in Australia and I felt like I had only just arrived. I had barely seen any of the country but I knew I wanted to come back. Everyone was so nice and welcoming.

"Where did you go?" Jinxx asked when he got back.

"Went for Ice Cream" I smiled placing Harley on my back.

"Wheres my ice cream!" Andy yelled, jumping out of the other door.

"We left it in the shop some where" I poked my tongue out.

"Your so mean" he sulked.

"Im not stopping you from getting Ice Cream" I shrugged my shoulders.

Seven hours later we were getting ready to head to the air port. I was helping pack all the bags in and Ashley held Harley in his arms. She clung tightly around his neck, looking around at everything everyone was doing, She had her zebra clutched. The final performance today went off with a bang. Everyone was exhausted after. Very hectic last few days, fans were crazy and wanting us every where. I kept in contact with Tim and he wanted to meet up when we got back to LA to make it permanent that I was performing again. There were a few paparazzi taking photos as a few other bands left the hotel aswell. We got to the airport and checked in, a few fans found the guys and wanted some autographs. Ash still holding Harley went over and signed some posters and CD's. He still held Harley number one priority. Making sure she was safe and no one was scaring her. I over heard some of the fans telling him how cute she was and that he was a awesome dad. I felt safe leaving her with him, they were definitely not like the ones I met months ago.

Getting settles on the plane, we were in first class and had lots of room for Harley. She was falling asleep already, Ash and I was settling next to each over. I rested my head on his shoulder as we picked a movie to watch to start our long journey home. The flight attendants came past running through all the safety instructions. It wasn't long before we were up in the air and flying all the way home. Another 14 hour flight!

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