The Birthday Present

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Today has been the best birthday so far. I was woken up by Ashley and Harley coming in with flowers and breakfast in bed. Then stayed in bed playing with her and her toys and doing the usual birthday twitter pictures. I didn’t mind when Ashley and I posted photos of little Harley on the internet because they were for the fans, they had already welcomed her with open arms in to the BVB Army; Even sending her gifts and toys. However letting the media take hold and produce things the way they want it too and things becoming  miss-leading was not on.

We then left and met at Andy’s for lunch with the rest of the guys and girlfriends. Sammi stealing Harley away from me as much as she could. Andy handed me a small box and had a wicked face on him. Sceptical I looked at him, I’m not sure I could trust him today. I opened it and it was a packet of condoms, staring up at him he smirked.

“Your 21 now, the world is your oyster” He said getting all philosophical.

“Your legal now and I just want you to be safe and protective” He added.

“Andy!” I glared shoving him, laughing as well. As he darted away I looked down and they were the smallest size you could buy.

“I think they’d only fit you, definitely not Ashley!!” I yelled throwing them at him, still with a massive smirk, He just laughed as he caught them, probably not catching on to my comment.

“What’s going on?” CC asked.

“Andy tried to give me a packet of condoms” I replied.

“You know safe sex” he replied being all ‘Big Brotherly”

“Bit late ain’t it” Jake grinned joining in the conversation.

“I mean they’ve been doing the dirty for years!” He added.

“JAKE!” I yelled.

“How long!” Andy asked getting protective. I scratched my head not wanting to reply.

“I gotta go help Sammi” I said trying to get away.

“Ariel! Get back here, how long!” He said getting annoyed. Andy followed me in to the other room, getting frustrated I wouldn’t answer and that he didn’t know about it. Ashley was talking to Jinxx when we came in.

“Ashley, how long have you been fucking my sister!” Andy asked, wanting to know but not wanting to know at the same time.

“Don’t answer him” I said standing in Andy’s way.

“19? 18?!” Andy asked already passed frustrated.

“I was 17” I lied to Andy.

“That’s four years of....I gotta sit down” Andy replied freaking out realising he had no idea.

“You told me you were 16” Sammi replied.

“Shut up!”I looked over at her.

“He really had no idea?” Ashley asked.

“Your his best friend Ash, what do you think?” I asked.

“Was he your first?” Juliet asked catching the end of the argument.

“No!” Ashley and I both retorted at the same time. Truth though, he was, I would never admit it though, Especially to Ashley, the Purdy Perv. Although since that time, I’ve had 3 other boyfriends but they’ve never lived up to Ashley’s expertise.

“Andy, I’m Sorry” I said sitting next to him.

“My best friend and my sister” he gulped.

“I need a drink” He added.

“You have one” I replied.

“Oh well..I need another one”

“Andy you have a beautiful niece be grateful and now your best friend IS actually family” I smiled and went back to the others.

Mum and Dad were babysitting Harley tonight so I could go out and have a ‘real 21st’ as they called it. Although I doubt I’ll remember any of it. Andy wanted to buy my first ‘legal’ drink. Downing the shots all together, every one cheered. The bar tender also giving me a free shot for my birthday.

“He’s checking you out” Sammi winked looking over at the bar tender.

“Says the one winking at him” I laughed.

“He’s all over you” she replied.

“And I have a boyfriend...matter of fact so do you!” I joked.

“Oh come on, it’s just a bit of fun” she giggled.

“How much have you drunk?” I asked.

“It doesn’t take much to get her drunk” Jinxx came in at the last moment to save his girlfriend.

“But he’s cute!” Sammi giggled.

“Ashley would kill me” I laughed.

“And besides how can I go past that dork!” I giggled at Ash making a complete fool of himself.

“Come dance!” I pulled Ashley from the couch, I think I was already up 6 or 7 shots, I lost count after the first three. It was getting early in the morning and we were still dancing, this being the 3rd place we’ve been to tonight. Our bodies were hot and sweaty as we were still dancing, Ashley hands on my hips, one sliding down to my ass.

“Come on” I said grabbing his hand, We slipped passed the crowd and headed for the toilets. I locked the door behind us and as soon as I heard the click, Ashley’s arms went around me picking me up. I sat on the ledge of the sink, leaning in to Ashley as I ripped his shirt un-done while he pulled my dress up. We were both still hot from all the dancing and sweat already covered our bodies. His jeans were undone and I could see his erection already poking out. Grabbing his neck I pulled him in to me, as we kissed it was full of fire, passion and need. I moaned heavily as I felt him, he pushed hard and deep. Holding on to my back, he wanted this as bad as I did. I tried hard to stifle my moans but I wanted to scream, not that they would be able to hear me out there any way. Ashley’s tongue fighting mine for dominance as he tried to control his rhythm.

Fighting the urge to scream, my forehead rested on his shoulder. My hands clinging to his back as he held me tight.

“Happy birthday” he whispered in my ear. I looked over at him smiling.

“Best birthday present ever” I teased slightly. I looked down at his shoulder and cringed. Looking in the mirror, Ashley laughed.

“War wounds” he winked. I rolled my eyes, knowing he would pride himself on having my teeth marks in his skin as a token of how good he was. I moaned slightly as Ashley moved out, god how far did he go. I was kinda sore now. Pulling down my dress, I slowly got off the sink and turned in the mirror to check my appearance.

“Pay back?” I asked seeing a massive hiccy on my neck.

“Love bite” he corrected me.

“How old are you?” I laughed, trying to figure a way in my head to hide this.

“You love it!” he grinned kissing me on the cheek. That I did, I loved him just the way he was.

The rest of the night we spent dancing and going crazy on the dance floor. Just as well everyone around us was as drunk as we were didn’t take much notice of us grinding so close that you could have literally said it was soft core porn. What’s a 21st without going a little crazy?

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