Family isn't always blood

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Hey guys, this is the last chapter! I know I cant believe it! It has been so fun writing this and I thank you all for your support and love. It means the world to me and you guys keep me writing! Please comment!!! Love you all xoxoxoxox

The next few days were hectic. We bought tins of paint and were up all night painting. I was lying of the floor exhausted, paint brushes, tins and trays everywhere. We were painting the master bedroom, with had all whites walls except for a dark black feature wall. Harley had a hot pink feature wall in her room and in one of the other rooms we had a bright Lime green feature wall. It was all starting to come together. Most if not all of Harley’s stuff was moved in, it was best for her to have all our stuff but Ash and I were only sleeping on a new mattress we just bought today while we waited for our brand new Black wood frame and beside tables to comes.

“Coffee Break” Ash came in with mugs. He sat down behind me and i sat inbetween his legs, leaning my back against his chest.

“Starting to look like a home” I smiled, looking up at him.

“looks amazing” he smiled. I took a sip of my coffee and sat back dreaming about the life I was so close to having, the perfect life when my phone started ringing.

“Hey Timmy!” I smiled.

“Ariel...” he choked.

“Tim! Whats wrong!” I replied serious and not joking around.

“My mum...shes just gone in for surgery, she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer” He blurted out.

“Oh my god Tim! Im so sorry, where are you, im coming down now” I almost cried.

“At Mercy Hospital” he choked up again.

“Okay, I’ll be there soon” I said and hung up.

“What’s wrong?” Ash asked started.

“Tim’s mum just got diagnosed with breast cancer, She’s in surgery now, He’s a mess” I teared up.

“Come on, we’ll drop Harley with Andy and go down there” he got up straight away. I couldn’t think straight, I paced around the room. Tim’s mum was an amazing person, so caring and loving. As got Harley up, in her Panamas’ with her blanket and Zebra toy. Her bag was packed and he was ready.

“ready?”He asked looking at me, standing in the door way.

“Yeah....” I replied, not really knowing what was going on. He put his arm around me and kissed my check, she will be okay. Harley reached over, her sleepy eyes staring deep in to mine. She grabbed around my neck, kissed me on the cheek and snuggled in my neck.

“I love you Harley!” I whispered, squeezing her. There were 5 people in my life, I couldn’t live without, my parents, Ashley, Andy and my baby girl. I couldn’t even think how I would be in his shoes, with his mum getting that diagnosis.

We got in the car and everything was a blur. I couldn’t get out the car when we got the Andy’s Lucky Ash took Harley in and tried to explain best he could. Andy waved and took Harley inside.

“Thanks for coming” I turned to Ash.

“You know there is no other place I would be” he replied squeezing me hand as we backed out the drive way again.

The hospital was busy, as always. People running everywhere, alarms and pagers going off every 5 seconds. We made it to the 3rd Floor and saw Tim sitting in the waiting room. He looked a mess.

“Tim!” I called, running up to him and giving him a massive hug.

“Ariel! Thank you so much for coming” he said thankfully.

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