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Sitting here listening to everyone talk business can become boring after a while, it be better if I had some sort of understand what they was actually talking about. Sadly I don't even have a clue, it's like they always talk in code in case anyone around understands or catches on to what they're really talking about.

I still don't understand why I have to attend these things, I'm not even allowed to socialise with the other wives or women that attend. It crosses my mind a few times to ask Blake why that reason is, but I always push it back. I might have the courage one day to finally ask him all the questions I've been setting back for a while now. We're keep a pause on that for now though.

I sit there like the perfect wife, sipping my lemonade... I'm bored of this plain old drink. I've decided to lean forward grabbing the bottle of red wine that's just in front of me, pouring myself a glass. If I can't be socialising I will enjoy myself this way, I will try not to get to drunk. Can't show up Blake.

Twisting myself towards Blake I notice he's still deep in conversation. I'm getting bored of this, I know we've got this big threat hanging over our heads but, surely we're safe. I don't need to be protected like some crazy animal women? I'm debating wether if he would let me leave his side for just two minutes...

I've drank a whole bottle of red wine already, how I don't know. The waitresses just keep replenishing the bottles soon as they're empty. I'm guessing it's just their job to do so... not knowing the consequences this could be getting me into or them. Really right now I couldn't give two shits.

My head is starting to feel a little fuzzy, I'm surprised Blake hasn't caught on or even looked in my direct once. It's like he can sense my presence is still there. Like he's me. I decide to stand pushing my chair back, I need some air it's got so stuffy in here all of a sudden. Making myself go dizzy and feeling sick all at once, I nearly loose my balance gripping onto the chair that's now in front of me. I'm trying to shake this unwelcoming feeling off me. I hundred percentage know it's the alcohol doing this to me, I've not consumed this much in months years for that matter hey ho, it's bound to happen when you've drank that much. I should of known that.

I steady myself, about to turn towards the way we entered hoping it will allow me to have some sort of fresh air.

"Arabella, where you going?"

He's spoken. The husband has spoken i decide to be honest with him, I try my hardest to try stable myself from not looking drunk because I know this will make him angry and I don't want to deal with that right now. My head is starting to thumb from all the alcohol inside of me right now and due to the heat in this bloody room. It's horrible, I feel suffocated.

"Can you assist me with some fresh air please, I'm feeling a bit uneasy."

I've put it to him in the best way possible, without giving myself away too much, I've already told him once today that I haven't been feeling well so he should hopefully put it down to being that. He turns back round looking at his men that I notice is now stationed around the ball room watching our every moves.

"Let's go..."

He links arms with me heading round the back of the ball room I'm guessing to a private exit way so we're not as obvious I don't know. I'm a little confused by this but if it means I'm getting fresh air I will go with it, luckily he hasn't questioned me yet or that.

"Thank you."

We've finally arrived outside the breeze hits my arms making me shiver a little I try my best to welcome it. It's what I've been craving so I should be happy. We've headed over to a near bench, slowly sitting myself down making sure I don't catch my dress in the process, I slouch down unladylike as always. Blake scans the environment sitting next to me, he's on full alert definitely not relaxing anytime soon. He turns in my direct scanning me. Like he always does, I don't know why he does this I still find it so very strange indeed.

"I noticed the empty bottle of wine the waitress took away. I'm always fully aware of what you're doing, even when my back is turned on you."

"I was bored Blake. You can't expect me to sit there people watching all night long, not even one single conversation with anyone I was loosing my mind."

"Loosing your mind? Go and socialise then... I'm not stopping you. As long as I can see you and my men I don't mind. Just remember to be careful and watch your mouth."

So now he gives me the green light to go and make friends, speaking to people. He's made it sound like I don't want to be social, like I close myself off to other people. What if everyone thinks I'm a snob because I don't talk or interact with others. So many thoughts are going through my mind now soon as I get back in there I'm going to go make friends of some sort. Maybe Blake might even let me invite them round in future.

"Ok, I shall do that. I think I'm feeling better to go back in now. The fresh air has helped massively- thank you for bringing me out."

Blake stands making sure I'm standing with him then he leads the way back inside the building we came from. We finally get to our table where we've been sat at all night, I slowly sit myself back down... grabbing myself another glass of wine slipping fast to get courage to talk to some other here tonight. Once drinking a few more glasses I stand myself up, glancing around the room to see who catches my eyes.

I notice a young blonde hair girl. I'm shocked at first because I swear everyone I've seen in the Mafia is always black hair but this is surprising I take the chance to go speak to her. She's sat on her own in the corner of the ball room so she's the perfect fit. She looks kind of worried or scared maybe we're have a few things in common.

I make my way straight over to her, not noticing anyone around me. Once I get closer I notice how beautiful she really is, it's breathtaking. And now I don't swing that way!

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