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He treats me as his worst enemy. Like he can't stand me, I know he cares surely? Well I would of thought he cared. Then I remember everything he has always done to me, how he treats me. Yes he's not a caring man at all. I need to think straight stop giving him the benefit of the doubt. I have a voice too, I have a life. I also have two gorgeous children I need to look out for.

"Blake, when are the girls coming home?"

He lifts his head up, flipping straight towards my direction. He has a tight smirk across his face. Whatever he's about to respond isn't what I'm going to want to hear, but I'm going to have to listen to it anyways.

"Upstairs, safe and away from you."

"Away for me? Away from their mother. The one person that cares for them?! The only person that truly fucking cares for them?"

"I suggest you sort your tone out also that attitude of yours."

"Why? Because you're going to hurt me with actions or words?"

I can see the anger radiating off this man right now, I know I'm pushing his buttons so much right now. The truth hurts doesn't it.

"Don't push me Arabella."

"I want to go out. It wasn't my fault what happened the other night, it's not my fault you suffocate me constantly from the world is it?"

Waiting for him explode like a bomb, is rather amusing to watch if I'm totally honest. It's not nice hearing the truth and someone actually standing up to him for once.

"Get your arse washed and dressed. I'm giving you ten minutes."

With that I hesitate but eventually jump up, heading towards the bathroom. I can't be asked with a shower today so I decided on a strip was at the sink. If he's giving me this tiny bit of freedom I'm going to take it as quick as I possibly can right now. Once done I head to my wardrobe grabbing one of the co-ord sets.

Picking a white top and skirt set

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Picking a white top and skirt set. I actually feel pretty for once. Which is very rare for me. I now need to figure out where Blake is actually taking me, because knowing him I would be in the wrong for dressing like this for where he's planned.

I head round the corner from my walk in closet to approach my husband. He's currently sat at his small desk in our bedroom, I head towards him but stop at a very safe distance. To show my boundaries.  He lifts his head up in approval, I'm shocked. So shocked my mouth gaps open just a tad and it brings a small smile to Blake's face. Hm.

"Oh wow. Arabella you look amazing. Absolutely breath taking. White is hundred percentage your colour."

I blush a little, I've not been complimented in so long by anyone especially my husband. It look me back a little, I quickly get rid of the small smile appearing to my lips, I don't want to show an emotion.

I turn to walk away from Blake now I've got his approval, I go to sit on my bed to wait for his next instruction. Before i even get there I feel arms wrapping around my waist, very tightly at that. He suddenly spins me around so that I'm facing him. He steadies me i steady myself as I nearly loose balance. Last thing I need is to fall and hurt myself, wouldn't be the first time I've left the house with a few bruises and marks here and there. So it wouldn't effect me really. It's the art of make up really isn't it?

"We're going to Rene wedding. You look the part."

Wait did he just say Rene? Does he mean my Rene. My best friend Rene, that I haven't seen in so many years I've lost count. It must of been nearly eight to nine years. I feel emotion coming towards my eyes. I'm trying my hardest to really hold them back, I nearly choke how hard I'm trying. I just blurt it out!


He looks very angry at my outburst.

"Your old friend Rene yes."

How does he know she's getting married? How does he still have contact with her? How? So many questions are going through my mind. She never ever wanted to get married like I never did so what changed her mind? Or did something happen. I decide to just come out with it and ask.

"To whom?"

He slowly moves his hand to my chin, lifting my face fully to his, so our eyes are matching each other. He stares right into my soul, I can feel it.

"Jordon Max-leisno"

No. Fuck no, I've heard he's just as bad as Blake. He's pure evil, how did she get mixed up into the Mafia. How? She steered way clear of them all. So how has she managed to get noticed by any of them.

"It's ok Arabella, he's going to take good care of her. Like I do you."

He says with his hand still on my chin making sure I don't move, more a stronger grip right now though. I know this, it's a warning. Telling me to mess up and see what happens, he's not in the mood to be pushed at all right now.

"Blake, will I be able to talk to her?"

"No. You will stay with me."

"Can I talk to her if you're by my side? Even just a little hello?"

"With me yes you can, as I will be having conversations with Jordon. Just don't push your luck. We're going going because he's one of my best men out there, otherwise we wouldn't even be attending."

"Ok that's absolutely fine."

With that, he grabs my wrists, very forcefully at that. I don't like this one bit, he's being very controlling and I don't like it. I feel like he's being a lot more stronger and controlling than normal.

"Marnie and Lily-Mae will be attending too. So you know what I mean."

"I'm confused? Please explain to me what you mean?"

"I mean, you will be a mother and a wife tonight at all times. You won't leave your children's sides or mine for that matter. You will be the perfect wife and mother. You show me up, wait no im not even going to speak no more."

What. So I can't even have a night off. Im so angry right now, he's doing it again he's being such a see you next Tuesday.

"Now let's get going. We don't want to be late. The Nanny has got the children ready."

With that, we head out of the bedroom.

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