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I kept on walking my feet never stopping. I finally made it towards a police station. They're not English, of course we're in a different country. Why do I always forget about this. I'm sure they're understand a little English I'm sure of it, be silly if they didn't understand one word of it. I finally reach my destination.

"Hi, I'm the daughter of Elina and Burt Williams. I've come to confirm the bodies. I saw it on tv this morning."

I smile at them trying reassure them, but I think they're concerned or something. This is the most I've been away from Blake in years, the most freedom I've ever had in my life since I was married off. I'm overwhelmed by it all suddenly and start to get scared. I fall to the floor hugging my body silently. No no no. I can't do this, no I CAN do this. I slowly stand myself up looking at the officer again with a smile.

"Mam, is your name Arabella Williams?"

"Yes it is Sir."

"Right, then that seems legit to me."

"Ok... now what?"

"Just give me five minutes I just need to run through some stuff on the computer and I will be back with you."

"Ok great thank you."

I sit on one of the chair places in the waiting area, thinking over and over again. Trying to convince myself it's not my parents. They're too young to die, they've got their whole life ahead of them. Then it dawns on me, they've never even met their grandchildren, and who's fault is that. Fucking Blake's he's to blame for all of this. He stopped me seeing my parents he caged me up locked me away. So many angry thoughts are going through my mind. I want to kill him, I want revenge on him.

"Mam, would you care to come with us. It looks as if you've got some nasty cuts on your hands and feet. Let's get you seen by our first aider"

I get up, following behind them. They're taking me into some sort of side room. Then I notice a young women coming in, she looks about my age. With a sympathetic smile on her face. Maybe I could open up to her. Tell her about my situation, she could help me escape or return somewhere safe. It's surely worth the try. I sit on the sofa. Feeling comfortable and content for now. She leans towards me and I flinch. No one hasn't got this close to me lately without harming me.

"It's ok, what's your name?"

"Arabella, but please call me Ell."

"Ok Ell, I'm just going to clean your wounds. They look pretty sore. Is that ok with you?"

I find it strange that she's asking me for permission because no one does that to me anymore not in a long time. I'm always been told what to do, never asked. If I say no I'm punished. I just nod towards her. With that she slowly lifts my foot up, wiping some sort of wipe across it. I wince it's painful.

"I'm sorry. Just getting all the dirt out of the open cuts."

"It's ok. Sorry for whining"

"Oh no don't be sorry. It's absolutely fine. So tell me about yourself as I'm going to be here for a while."

"What do you want to know?"

"How old are you to start with the basics."

"I'm twenty six nearly twenty seven."

"I would of said you was younger than that, may I add you're very beautiful."

"Thank you- so are you. How old are you?"

"I'm thirty four. I'm old haha. So where do you live, your first language is English?"

"Oh erm. I'm originally from England. Now live here in Italy."

I hesitate to answer her question. I'm worried she's going to find out whom I'm married to and get in contact with him and ship me back to the doorstep of my abusive husband. I need to ask more questions to know if she's a safe person to talk to.

"I thought so. I'm from England too! How comes you're living in Italy?"

"Husband and children. Yourself?"

I keep it plain and blunt. I'm not giving to much away not just yet.

"Oh wow. A massive commitment then, I don't have children or a husband. Just me and my animals haha."

"Sounds lush. I'm jealous if I'm totally honest with you, that's how id planned my life."

"Ell, you do know you can talk to me. This is a safe space. I promise whatever is said in this room stays confidential."

"It's ok you saying this. Trouble is you can't help me even if you wanted to. That's the sad honest truth."

"Try me."

She says with the biggest smile across her face. I just blurt it out. I'm sick of being silent about it. She maybe my way out who knows.

"My husband is the Don of the Italian Mafia."

She goes blank. She literally speechless I knew this was going to happen. She can't help me, no one can.

"I just want to know if it was my parents that died. That's all I wanted to know. I don't care about anything else right now."

"Oh I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what you're going through. Are you safe if you return?"

"Of course I'm not safe. Look at my arm. That's your answer and that's all because I went to my best friends wedding and spoke to her."

She looks sorry for me, but I don't want her to be. I don't want her sympathy. I don't want it. I want to know about my parents then deal with that before I even have to think about Blake. He's the last thing on my mind right now. It's then dawn on me it's taken that officer longer than five minutes to confirm this.

I suddenly jolt up out of my seat, they've called Blake. Any minute now he's going to walk through that door with the rage dripping off him. I just know it. I'm waiting. I'm scared, I'm actually scared. I look at the lady that has been caring for me, running towards her I brace her in a hug. Letting all the tears flood down my face. She wraps her arms around me too embrace me in the hug. It's so strange how much I needed this hug. It's then I noticed she's bandaged my hands, feet. I must of done some sort of injury for that.

"It's ok Ella. We've got you. Don't worry. Come lay here."

I place my head on her lap, she just gently stroking it. It feels like my mother. I've not been cared for in this way in seven years. I've missed this affection. I felt safe. Unharmed and safe.



I know she's here. It's the only place she would bloody come. She doesn't know this city or country at all. Is she really that stupid, I knew she would never be able to escape me. Stupid stupid fucking girl. I swear to god if someone doesn't answer me in a minute I'm going to start shooting them like they're worthless which they're. All police are worthless.


"Sir, if you could just tell us who your wife is, we may actually be able to help you?"

The audacity of this man right now. Is he really that stupid.

"Arabella... unless she's told you different?"

"Arabella Williams?"

Haha. Is she really going by that disgrace of a surname. Hasn't she learnt anything in the last seven years of her life. That her family are nothing but scum.

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