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You think someone like myself that goes through this shit everyday would be completely use to it be now, like just normal day life. Sadly I'm not, every time he has his outburst of anger or violence it still scares me to the core. There will never be a time I won't nearly crap myself or be prepared for it.

He reaches for my elbow first, pulling me up off the floor, wait let me get it right- more like dragging me off the floor like I'm a rag doll with no feeling to be considered at all. I just let him drag me up to begin with, I fear him when he's like this. He's the boss in control, no one would dare go against him, he's the Don of everyone. Everyone is too afraid to.

Before I know it I'm standing tall on my feet, Blake still having a strong grasp of my elbow. It's stinging, definitely going to be bruised and battered by morning. I could cry right now, but I just feel so emotionless right now. Then suddenly I'm snapped back to hearing my husband speak.

"Jordon, I suggest you take your wife home. I think I've shown her enough for one evening. We will be in touch soon."

Shown her enough? Is he having a laugh. Is she trying to scare her, trying to threaten my best friend. I don't think so, he's upset her and myself enough for one night I'm not going to zip anymore. Even if it does land me another hit off the man I married. Because fucking bring it.


He glares straight down at me. I can feel the anger radiating off him, through his touch and the way he's standing right now.

"What?! You got something to say? Then speak wife."

"Blake p-lease-e. Leave Rene alone. She's done nothing wrong. If anyone is too be punished it's me not her. Please spare her."

I take a massive breath once I've spoken. Waiting for the next blow or his attitude to hit. But he doesn't, he doesn't even speak to me he completely ignores what I say, and starts speaking to his pal once again. The audacity of this man. I look up at Rene who's in full blown tears, so sacred and helpless. I decide the most bravest thing right now and I don't give damn.

With such force, I don't know how I manage to do it. With all the strength I have left in me, I twist my arm best I can. Giving Blake no choice but leaving my elbow alone. I rush to Rene without even giving it a second thought. I brace her so hard right now giving her the biggest hug ever.

"I promise everything will be ok. I promise you that, we will escape this horrid world one day I promise. Give me time I will do it I promise you. I love you forever and ever."

I whisper into her ear so only me and her can hear it. And I mean only me plus her. I made absolutely sure it was us and only us. Of course within in a few seconds we're getting pulled a part. I'm suddenly thrown over someone's shoulder. I'm clueless to who it could be, but right now I don't care. Just want to find my girls, and go to bed.

Stretching my body, raising my arms giving the biggest yawn ever. I feel at ease. Then the events of last night suddenly dawn on me, everything comes rushing back to me. I don't even remember getting back to the mansion. I remember Rene, I remember everything I told her and I will keep them promises. I'm determined to do so. I go to stand, I need a shower or something I stink of sweat. I go to get up swinging my legs out of the bed, when suddenly Blake appears right in front of me. I really don't want to be dealing with him right now, because I know I'm in a lot of trouble.

"Blake can we deal with this after I've taken a shower please."

"No. Your shower can fucking wait."

I decide to stand up, on my way to my wardrobe to pick some clothes for the day. I've always thought about starting to work again, I really enjoyed working at the hairdressers. I would like to start it up again not going to lie, I would ask Blake but I hesitate.

"Blake, can I ask you a question please?"


He gives me that ok, look. I can still tell his fuming with me though. I still go ahead and speak.

"Can I go work back at the hairdressers please?"

He scoffs. Slight smirk on his lips, I want to punch him so much right now.

"Yeah yeah, I want a behaved wife and mother to my children?"

"Hmm. I'm going to take a shower now."

Before I can even get passed him, he grabs my wrist in a tight grip. I hiss in pain, I try to push him away but not succeeding one bit.

"This is for going against me last night, I don't like the disrespect you will learn."


He twist my wrist so much I hear the snap before I even feel the pain, he's broken my wrist the bastard has officially broken it. I could cry, the tears are on the edge so close. I try to hold them back so it doesn't look like he's won.

"I've got the answer for your working situation now. I think you know to, because you won't be able to cut no one's hair with a broken wrist now will you?"

"Go fuck yourself Blake"

"I fuck you happily. Now get into the bed, I'm going to call the doctor."

I glare at him, this wrist isn't going to stop me from taking the shower I want, even in the extrem pain I'm in right now. I'm going to push myself. I ignore him, heading towards the bathroom. He catches up to me in no time, wrapping his arm around my stomach pulling me into his embrace.

"Please Blake, I just want to shower."

"I will assist you. You will be relying on me a lot for a month or two now."

"Thank you."

Is all I mange to say. I don't want him to stop me from showering I just want to feel clean for now. The shower was too quick for my liking, but at least I could relax. Wait no I can't even do that because of the pain I'm in.

Laying in bed, awaiting the doctor to arrive I'm trying to think of everything and everything to try my hardest to forget about the agonising pain I'm in right now.

The doctor arrives not long after, confirming my wrist is definitely broken. He doesn't ask anymore questions, he's not silly he hundred percent knows how it's happened but he wouldn't dare approach my husband. He places a cast of my wrist to my elbow. It angers me.

"Arabella I think it would be wise to put you on a morphine drip until the pain eases a little. It will automatically activate its self every time it's needed."

"I totally agree. My wife deserves to be rested and pain free. Thank you doctor if you could set that up and be on your way."

He's just so rude...

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