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Luckily I made it just in time before the deadline Blake gave me. I was completely satisfied with my outfit choice. I felt like a right boss bitch. I always pictured myself dressed like the old me again one day but not this quick of course. When i arrived at the car Blake wasn't too impressed by my outfit I can tell my the eyes scanning my body. He just grunts like pig, I feel like opening my mouth to warn him to back off but I decide once again against it. We soon hop into the car that is waiting for us. I still have no clue where we're going I decide to ask him.

"So where we heading to? You never did tell me."

I shift in my seat uncomfortable. There feels like atmosphere here right now in this car. Like I'm sat here on edge, but I just can't put my finger on why I'm feeling this way.

"For dinner and drinks dear, meeting a couple of friends."

I look up towards the road ahead. I treasure these car journeys it sounds so sad and silly but I don't care if I'm being honest. I know it will be his friends that we're meeting for drinks as of course he wouldn't dare invite my friends.

"We're here love, come on I lead the way."

I slowly dispatch from the car, Blake is there within seconds to take hold of my hand like a true husband should do with his wife. I still don't know how to feel about this movement he's just done. He's trying to act, or to put on an act for that matter. The question is constantly going over and over in my head. Why would he be doing all these nice things for me today, he never got the news he wanted earlier on so why is he now acting like I'm his world. Like he's not in a bad mood.

I'm so confused I have no words left, I just link his arm and follow his lead. We're heading into some fancy restaurant, it full of people. It feels so nice to be out in the open with normal people not silly ball rooms with people from the Mafia left right and centre. It feels nice, I kind of feel relaxed my shoulders slump.

"This way dear, we're be upstairs away from the commoners."

Commoners, I do not argue with him I don't want to. Of course I have my own opinion on these people which I suggest as just normal everyday people. Just like I was once not that long ago sometimes it feels.

Once we're in the lift, Blake leans towards me placing a soft kiss onto my cheek. He suddenly caresses my arse giving it a right squeeze I suddenly jump in complete shock. He's never like this too me not even in the bedroom. This have made me so uncomfortable right now I want to slap his hands away from me, scream shout or whatever I can to get him away from me right now. I don't have courage or the strength for this right now.

"You may drink today, let your hair down. Long ad I'm by your side I know no harm will come to you."

He places another kiss on my cheek again, he points his hands forward suggesting me to go ahead up front. He suddenly slaps my arse once more, I turn around quick to give his the horrid glare I could possibly give. He just looks straight in my eyes smiling at me. The devil has awoken. Great fucking great.

He sneaks his arm around my back guiding us to where we're going to be seated I'm guessing. I suddenly stop. Locking eyes with Isabella. I notice her fiancé sitting beside her small frame, he really does look like a complete arsehole, I feel so sorry for the girl. It breaks my heart, slight relived as well that I'm not in her situation. I know Blake is older than me but nothing like this.

Once we arrive I run towards Isabella, embracing her in a massive hug, she does the same with me. I hug her so tight I'm surprised we don't both shout in pain. I chuckle at this.

"Let's head to the bar and order some drinks."

I look towards Blake I'm guessing I'm asking for his permission to head off with her, like I'm some sort of child. I wish my body didn't do this sort of thing to me. I look too vulnerable.

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