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Once leaving the bedroom, we head to the front door of the mansion. Where my children are standing with the Nanny, I despise this Nanny so much, the fact she gets to spend more time with my children than their own mother angers me. I decide to not show any emotion we all know where that gets me as before. I bend down towards my children giving them the biggest hug ever, I feel like I haven't seen them in months when that's not true only been a week or two I think? It's so easy to loose track of time in this place. Especially when your husband keeps you locked up away from the world to see.

Once I've finished hugging my babies we head out towards the black cars, I hate black. Even though my hair is that colour I still hate it, many of times I've wanted to bleach my hair blonde. I'm jealous of the girls born naturally with the colour. I push the thoughts back, Blake holds my hand, suggesting I get in the car with me. I notice my children going into the car behind us, I got to say something but I second think it. I don't want to get into trouble before we've even left the mansion.

The car journey is long, I'd say about an hour or more. I'm starting to feel sick, I don't like travelling long distances. I get travel sick big time and Blake knows this well. Still he doesn't give a shit. I suddenly feel an urge to heave, I try to stop myself, my eyes begin to stream with tears. I managed to wave my hand at Blake to indicate I'm going to throw up if they do not stop this car any second. Within god knows how long the car is stopped and I bolt out of it. Not giving a care if anyone sees me or I harm anyone in the way. I feel him before I even get chance to sense him, Blake is by my side holding my hair back. I've finished I'm done, I turn around to head back into the car before he stops me. He glares me up and down, I'm guessing he's looking for any stains on my clothes. He pushes his hand through my hair, most probably because it's all over the place. Once he seems satisfied he reaches into his pocket handing me a mint. Surprisingly I'm grateful for this small gesture because I know my breath is going to stink.

Resuming into the car journey we finally arrive at the most gorgeous venue ever. Pulling up I see the beach, so many flowers and people. I didn't know Rene knew this many people, of course she didn't it would be all the Mafia lot. Of course their men too, keeping an eye out for anything strange happening.

"We're here Arabella, you collect the children and wait here I will be two minutes."

I look around taking everything in once again, slight tear reaches my eyes. I lift my hand to brush it away. So many emotions are going through me right now. A small smile reaches my lips and I let it stay there. I'm going to see my best friend, it may not be how I wanted to see her or meet her again but I'm going to see her. It brings me a small joy which I accept.

"Right let's get going. Remember to smile dear,"

With that he leads the way, whilst I'm following behind with Lily-Mae on my hip and Marnie holding my other hand. It all feels so strange. Shouldn't we all be walking together at least. Of course not, Blake needs to be seen having power and the hold he has over his family of course. I'm just praying that the girls behave, because I really can't deal with no little mood swings of theirs. Especially at my best friends wedding.

Slowly sitting myself down into the chair near the front, I can feel my heart beating I don't know what I'm feeling, joy nerves, sadness I'm not too sure. I'm suddenly jolted from my thoughts when Blake places his hand onto mine in a caring gesture. I have the nerve to brush it away obviously I won't not with such a big crowd around.

"Just smile Wife, be the perfect person today. Keep yourself together and we're have no problems."

I've not said a single word since leaving the mansion, I've literally been taking everything in. I decide I best talk before I anger the beast.

"It's beautiful out here, wish we could of had something like this."

I say with a sweet smile, and I really mean it. Our wedding was horrible, for one I was completely forced into this with out a day and threatened every second until it was over. Maybe he will do it all again, renew it. Then I don't know if I would want to do that, especially in a loveless marriage. I push the thoughts back, and smile.

"Maybe one day you can."

I smile again, then the music starts to play and we all stand up to see the bride walking down the aisle with some man I don't recognise? That's not her father. Then it hits me that's Blake's father! What the hell. Why is he walking her down the aisle, I turn to Blake to speak but he pushes his finger to my mouth to shush me. I push his hand away. I'm so confused and angry right now, what the hell is going on. My eyes suddenly dart towards Rene that's looking like shit even with all the make up over her face and her stunning Blonde hair. I just want to run up to her just to give her a hug. I notice she's wearing a black dress... I know what this means. They're degrading her sayings she not pure or innocent in front of everyone the anger is seriously rising in me right now. I want to get out of here I can't watch this I don't want to watch this. I'm about to leave when Lily-Mae starts screaming. That's my sign to leave, I pick her up placing her on my hip. I smile at Marnie and point her in the way of her father which she does.

"I'll be back I promise, let me calm her down."

He glares at me, he's so angry I can sense it a mile off. I don't care I can't just sit here watching my best friend get marriage and being made a fool out of in front of all these Mafia pricks I just can't do it and I won't do it. With that I head off out the venue to somewhere more chilled to gather all my thoughts.

By now I know I would of missed the whole ceremony but I don't care. I just couldn't face it. It's around six in the evening and my god it's so cold out here. I push the chill away, I'm having my time. Lily-Mae fell asleep ages ago wrapped in my arms in her blanket.

"Get up now. I'm fucking done with you."

Here we fucking go. He lifts his hand I flinch thinking he's going to hit me when he touches my head. He's in disgust.

"You're frozen. You're going to be fucking sick, get inside now."

With that he lifts me up under my elbow making sure not to harm Lily-Mae in the process.

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