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I've been noticing Blake's wife all night, I've seen her a few occasions before at these kind of things. I've always wondered why she never mixed with the other women here, but then I could say the same about myself. I'm more of a shy girl that likes to sit and observe most of the time. Especially when you're engaged to a forty six year old man and you're only twenty three years of age.

I've heard her name is Arabella but probs like me she likes to be called sorter version of that. I doubt she gets it shorten though the man in this life style had their wives names being changed. I was made clear of that from the start by my Nanny.

I've noticed Arabella drinking wine for the last part of the evening, I've noticed Blake has got his men stationed all around this room tonight too, I've heard the threats they've been getting but knowing Blake the head of us all he's got it sorted without a doubt.

I've always heard bad things about him, how cruel he is to everyone, not doubt that goes for his wife too, I could imagine him being very cold, cruel to her. She seem the timid kind like she's constantly on edge or stepping on eggshells.

I take my hat off to her, because I definitely couldn't deal with someone like that, I always hear the odd rumour that she's living in a golden cage, she's never been seen out of that mansion without Blake. It makes me sad even thinking about it, if I'm being totally honest.

I look up towards the direction she was sitting noticing she's now walking nervously towards me... I look up and lock eyes with her straight away.


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"Hi, I'm Arabella- I thought I'd come and say hi."

That wasn't hard was it Ella, I don't know why I was so worried. I just need to think of it as talking to Rene or Sarah. Just friends, we'll making friends it can't be impossible I also need someone to talk to in this crazy world, she might just be the person.

She blinks and looks straight up at my eyes we lock them straight away it feels like an instant connection friendship kind of way. She smiles so softy she makes herself blush. Cute.

"Hi Arabella, I'm Isabella. Similar names we have- come take a seat."

Oh my our names are very similar indeed. I don't put to much thought to it though, for now I don't anyways. I do as she's suggested taking the seat next to her, she hands me a glass of red wine which I take very happily.

"Arabella, tell me are the rumours true. Please understand my lips are sealed. I know we've just met but I promise you know I won't say a word to anyone."

Hm. Do I trust her? It could only go two ways, she keeps my secrets or she tells them and Blake finds out and I will know it's her straight away. I'm going to take the first option and trust her. It's not like I've not had to face consequences before is it now.

"Which rumours would you like clarification on?"

She suddenly looks all very nervous. I reach my hands over to hers securing the hold so she feels safe. I want her to be completely honest and open with me about what she's going to say.

"They say you're in a golden cage. He's cruel he beats you?"

Wow. So people do know how Blake treats me but no one seems to flutter an eyelid about the situation. Are they too scared to confront him or is it normal behaviour? So many thoughts go through my head. Also how am I meant to answer this question without her feeling sorry for me or confirming this information to other wives.

"In a way yes. I don't want to go into detail on the subject. Can I ask questions about you?"

"Of course you can, I try to be as open as I can."

Hmm... so many questions I want to ask but I don't want to seem to be annoying or a pest. Here goes nothing...

"How old are you?"

"I'm twenty three, yourself?"

"I'm twenty six... I still feel twenty one- Blake took me when I turned twenty one. I remember sitting in my family garden in my converses smoking a cigarette. I was so happy."

"So you was twenty one when he took you?"

"Yes not long after made me his wife, then had our first child..."

"Can I ask how many children do you have now?"

"Of course. I have two children, two girls to be exact. Marnie and Lily-Mae."

"Such beautiful names. I bet they're gorgeous just like you!"

"Maybe we could go out one day and you can meet them?"

"Would you be allowed too?"

She's got a good point why did I even suggest it. Blake wouldn't dare let me out of that mansion on my own especially with the children. It's really true what they all say about me I'm caged good and proper even my children are.

"If not you could come to ours?"

"Yeah that sounds so good. Here take this"

She slides a piece of paper to me, I push it down my cleavage quickly before anyone of his men or Blake for that matter sees what she's given me.

"What is it?"

"It's my number silly. So just ring or text me when you're free."

"I don't have a phone..."

"Oh.. sort something out I'm sure don't you worry."

Our conversation carries on for another hour or so. We have a lot more in common than people would think. I've also found out she's engaged to a man much older than her. I feel sorry for her. I know she probably wouldn't want me to be, but sadly I am. What a horrid life, we both don't have a good one.

I'm suddenly stopped from conversation when I'm grabbed on the shoulder. Then a soft kiss on my right cheek, I know who it is and he's come to ruin my fun and lock me back into my cage for the foreseeable.

I stand up ignoring Blake for the moment, Isabella copies my movements and we lean in for a tight hug. It felt so good to have a hug that meant something and feeling safe in too.

"Best get back to my cage"

I say quietly but louder enough for Blake to hear.

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