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Isabella had been playing on my mind ever since that night at the gala. I've not been able to contact her since, having no phone is starting to drive me insane I've lived so long without one but now I've got use for one I want one.

It's always crossing my mind that maybe Blake trust me now to give me one. It could be worth asking him for such thing.

As you've guessed I've not spoken to Blake since that night, he never even commented on the silly comment that I made about coming back to my cage, when in fact I was completely right because I haven't been able to leave the mansion neither. It's really true what everyone ever says about me I'm in my golden cage made by my husband Blake. It makes me sick.

I think today is going to be the day that I ask him to trust me and to get a little freedom. I decide to chuck some clothes on heeding towards Blake's office something I never do.

I stand tall, braving myself for the welcoming im going to get from him. I knock on the door standing back to wait for his response he takes a few seconds before he replies informing of whoever is the other side of the door to come in. I can vouch for it now he doesn't know it's me.

Once I open the door he's busy on his laptop typing like crazy man. Like he's in a rage or something. I don't speak I just walk myself further into the room until I'm closer enough but at a safe distance in case for any reason I want to leave quickly I can do so.

I just stand still for a moment twirling my thumbs around waiting for him to notice whom is actually in his office standing in front of him. To snap out of his typing rage.

He finally stops, lifting his head. He looks rather amused with whatever is going on in side his small head. He scans me like he always does head to toe. He leans back into his chair, smirking crossing his arms over his chest.

"Dearest wife, what brings you to my office? It must be important."

Here goes nothing.

"I want a phone."

I just come straight out with it, no hellos or anything of the bullshit I just get straight to the point sick of tiptoeing around him and others. He pushes himself forward in the chair resting his elbows on the desk staring straight into my eyes. He's thinking deeply I can tell my his facial expressions. Just bloody answer already.

"If you can give me three good reasons why I should give you a phone, you can have one."


"Give me them reasons now..."

"Erm— I've proven to you that you can trust me. I always obey you. I'm the perfect mother to your children?"

I practically asked him if they was good enough reasons as I was responding to him. I don't sound convincing enough.

"You can have a phone on one condition..."

"Which is?"

"All your phone calls and text messages are linked to mine- due to any possible dangers."

Dangers absolute bullshit, it's so he can control me. I'm not silly. I have to agree because I need to for myself. Before I go absolutely looney in this world he's made for me.

"That's absolutely fine."

"That's settled then. Anything else?"

Do I ask him? Or do I not... erm.

"Can I take the girls out soon?"

"In the mansion gardens... then yes."

He knows what I mean he's just being a knobhead once again. I decide to correct him on his stupidity.

"No. Outside the mansion. Please I'm going crazy Blake so are the girls!"

I practically scream at him, I'm surprised I've not felt a slap across my face if I'm being honest with you. He can't keep us all locked up in here forever more I need to leave sooner or later.

"The answer is no. Are you really that stupid? You know whom I am right? You know who's wife you are?!"

I just nod in response.

"There you go then. So you know the answer to that. You will never leave this mansion ever without me. Now that's a promise myself I can keep."

"Isabella, can she come round?"

He glares at me. He looks even more angry then he was five seconds ago. What's so wrong with the girl that makes his mood change so quickly.

"Fuck no! She's the enemy's fiancé!"

But she's nothing like her husband to be, she's so sweet and innocent she just wants out of her marriage why can't he just let me have one bloody friend in this crazy arse world for once.

I'm done talking to him, forever for that.

I turn to leave...

"Arabella. Doctor will be here later, you know why."

Of course I know why. To be honest I'm going to be the biggest bitch going to refuse them to enter my room. I will barricade my bedroom door if I have to. If he can't let me have things i want then I won't let him have the things he wants, it works both ways. He should know that by now, it's not always his way.

I collapse onto my bed, it's been about an hour since I left his office

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I collapse onto my bed, it's been about an hour since I left his office. I'm shattered I've pulled everything I could possibly think of and moved it securely in front of the door. No fucker is getting in here tonight.

I eventually fall asleep, when I'm jolted up by the sounds of loud banging coming from outside my bedroom. I jump up to look at the door remembering what I had done. A small smile appears onto my face, I'm happy with my achievement.


I choose to ignore, he's actions have consequences like he says to me all the time, so now this is his punishment for making my life a absolute living hell. I decide to jump off the bed opening the balcony doors heading out onto the outdoor space shutting the doors behind me to drown out his annoying stupid voice.

It felt good to know I won at something for once, for peace of mind. I'm sat here for what it feels like thirty minutes of so.. when I suddenly she Blake outside with the girls and the Nanny...

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