The Magus Recives Her Letter

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Disclaimer: I don't own the fate series or Harry Potter they are owned by type moon and Jk Rowling. I do however own my plot and ideas implemented
Ever Since she was left alone by her father Kiritsugu and her mother Irisveil, Illyasveil had been trained by her grandfather in both her Fathers Time Magic and Her own families Magic. The Einzbern were Masters of Healing, Alchemy and Familiar magics. Illyasveil was trained in politics of the clock tower where prestigious magus train and gather in their moonlit society. Illyasveil was also taught about a second world of magic and trained in all the ethics and principles a Pureblood Heiress should! Over the course of Irisveil childhood the base line of the Einzbern specialty Homunculus had changed looks. Gone were the white hair and red eyed Homunculi and now the halls were full of black haired purple eyed Homunculi! Only her grandfather and Herself had white hair and red eyes and that was considered the family only trait. Irisveil knew that she would be expected to go to a magical school in Europe. So surrounded by ever falling snow the Einzbern castle was visited by a owl holding a letter. After grabbing the letter from the owl Irisveil called a servant to bring her to her grandfather. Irisveil promptly knocked twice on her grandfathers study. "Come in" came a stern voice. Illyasveil curtsied towards her grandfather and stated "honored Grandfather I have received a letter to hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, shall I send my response of acceptance?" "Write that the ancient and most sacred house of Einzbern is honored to have its heiress attend the prestigious school. "as you command grandfather"

Notes: As a Magic family the Einzbern is very old and hold great importance to the clock tower whom base importance on how old a family is, likewise they would be considered a household of high importance to the Wizarding World and viewed as important and hold a seat as a Lord and Lady of a "ancient house" considering how long they have been around

The Head of the Einzbern knowing how much the Wizarding World would think if they looked like their own homonculi servants had killed all the old ones and constructed a new look for the house. I'm cannoning that the head of the family has to have both the magic crests of a magus and a magic core to become the head of the Einzbern household. Having a daughter of a holy grail vessel and a magus of another old family that's considered lost hold a magic core and magic circuits made him chose to create a separate homunculus to hold the shard of the holy grail while purifying Illyasveil herself of the taint so the Einzbern can continue with a new head once she comes of age in both worlds.

I do have plans for How being connected and born to a vessel of the holy grail affected her magically! But that won't be shown until later

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