A Meeting with Madam Bones

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Disclaimer: I don't own the fate series or Harry Potter they are owned by type moon and Jk Rowling. I do however own my plot and ideas implemented—————————————-

Illyasveil would set her plans for the Wizarding World in motion during the first Wizengamot of the summer. She had contacted madam bones and sent a report of all death eater names as recorded in the Malfoy account and all records of bribery done by the late Malfoy head to the current minister. It's such a pity that the late Malfoy head had written records of each intention of money spent on and for. The information held in the Malfoy black book would rip the stage wide open for her to claim a huge following and destroy what remained of the dark lord Voldemort followers. With the Einzbern households name gaining power as champions of justice for magical kind it would pave her way into the path she wanted most! She wanted to become the minister of magic or at least a major power in the minestry as well as a potential instructor or arc mage in the clock tower. Illyasveil went to the ministry of magics education department and requested a tutor for her younger brother who was a member of the house of Emiya by bloodline magic. Illyasveil also made arrangements for a tutor from the clock tower to come and instruct Shirou to help improve his magecraft while the ministry of magics education department would send someone to teach Shirou a whole pureblood education which includes basic spells, manners, social skills, and history lessons all geared to ensure he has the best possible knowledge to secure any magic school besides hogwarts.

Time Skip

As Illyasveil sat across from one Amelia Bones aunt of her friend Susan Bones and head of the DMLE with cups of tea and scones in between them. "I would like to present the Malfoys Black book and Record Book to the DMLE for investigation and to get those who seek to destroy the magical world in prison" Illyasveil sated as she gave a huge book the size of a world atlas and dictionary to Madam Bones. "What are you looking to gain from this?" Amelia asked. "Simple, I seek to put away those who are death eaters and have those who were bribed by them put away. This book contains all known secrets that the malfoys have seen or been apart of from the time the Malfoy Head was in school with a young Voldemort as well as all financial services and threats made and upheld in all matters" Illyasveil stated with a smile. "As for personal gain, it would be reputation boon for the house of Einzbern to be seen as champions of justice by striking a claim against those who ran unchecked and those falsely accused as it holds some proof of wrongdoing." With that Illyasveil stood up and curtsies to Amelia. "It has been a pleasure to meet you Madam Bones, I look forward to seeing Susan back in Hogwarts tomorrow as the break is over."

Authors Note:
Since I've removed Shirou's actual reason to be a champion of justice I've decided to have Illyasveil be the guiding point as she wants the family to be ones seen as the worlds scales of Justice but in a way that wouldn't cause Shirou to have archer created. Illyasveil would teach him that there are ways to ensure justice that don't involve destroying one's self or fighting head on. I plan on having Shirou act more carefree yet mature. He will develop a love for cooking and household charms and will have his signature projection magic but a few others will be added.

Sorry for the late chapter I had writers block

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