The End of Summer

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Disclaimer: I don't own the fate series or Harry Potter they are owned by type moon and Jk Rowling. I do however own my plot and ideas implemented—————————————-

As the Vacation at Disneyland in France ended the real work would begin. As the former Malfoy Family was on the Hogwarts board of directors so was Illyasveil herself. Despite her attending said school but it allowed her to start adding more funding to certain areas that would benefit herself and her descendants in the future. So here she was in a musty smelling room in Hogwarts surrounded by old men and a woman whose sun hat had the most ugliest taxidermy vulture she had even seen sewn on-top of it! No offense to the Madam Longbottom of course but her outfit screamed of elderly fails and she had almost a mind to send her to a fashion store. But again she was here in a musty room in the castle with men at least a couple years younger than her own grandfather yet none of the wisdom that age should possess. They have been fighting over who should be the new defense against the dark arts teacher and the only choices were an obvious fraudulent man named Lockheart and Perhaps having  Dumbledoor teach classes. Personally she voted for Dumbledoor but the men seemed almost sure that they should put a "world class adventure and spell master" in charge. The works of his tales in lock hearts books themselves were exactly that in Illyasveil's opinion. Works of Fiction that seem to be taken as gospel. So was the many books that were about the many adventures of Harry Potter but that Scarhead could barely use a simple basic cast and lift a damn feather! She doubted that Potter had flown the world saving small tribes from dark magic on the back of a dragon at age 8 and she would believe as much as Lockheart curing a werewolf and killing banshees at the same month around the exact same time. But unfortunately for her this debate had won in favor of Lockheart. The only two sensible ones who voted for the one who actually had a magical achievement and the grades to back it up were herself and Madam Longbottom. Only Dumbledoor himself had the grades one should expect to teach the subject and the actual credible achievement with proof and witnesses. Dumbledoor being the one to end the reign of the dark lord Grindlewald before the eventual rise of Current Dark Lord Voldemort. She knew it was impossible for him to properly die as a shade he could at most be contained. But as the verdict was reached she had implemented a dueling club and ordered it to be teached by Professor Flitwick and Professor Snape both had been dueling champions of different circuits and had the grades to teach the subject. At least with dueling club she could actually learn a spell worth knowing than whatever prattle Lockheart was going to. She then funded for the new nimbus 2001 to be given to every house team and 45 nimbus 2000 brooms for flying class. A assistant for Madame Pomfry so there's a second healer,  new supplies for the potions labs that are up to date and new plants for the greenhouse. This came out of her own financial situation so the other board members were quick to agree.

Summer session in Wizengamot had worked out smoothly for Illyasveil. Her introduction along with public allowance of Einzbern and Bones revealed made quite the display. Her deeds at Hogwarts had become known to the court here so respect although grudgingly was given to her. She could see the immense hatred from death eaters who had gotten off like the old Malfoy family but near hero worship from those hardcore light faction families like the Lunar and Brigde Families who were huge supporters of dumbledoors faction. Illyasveil made the house of Einzbern clear on their political position by placing them into the neutral faction. A move that gained interest from the Head of the Greengrass Family. As a Ravenclaw she was seen as beyond wise but Illyasveil had the cunning to match her magic power and intelligence. These fools would be marching to her agenda soon enough but she won't be a dark lady in the public eye! She will strike where the previous ones to challenge the way the wizarding world worked did not. She would alter the government and society from inside it. She was in a position to ether make or break her family and this was her ultimate test from her grandfather. So she submitted a petition to start an orphanage for magical born children. It would be started up by the vast wealth of the Einzbern so funding would not be an issue. In truth she was going to use the money she gained from the Malfoys to fund the entire project. The bill would ensure magical children would stay in the magical world. The bill also included a mandatory check up on all magical born children three times year to ensure no abuse was going on. If any abuse was detected then the child in question would be placed into the orphanage and taken care of. The proposed bill would buy two large plots in hogsmead to build three buildings separated by gender and a central building to accommodate activities. The bill had passed 42-41 so she was clear to start the project. She would order the Einzbern Homunculus to start building immediately after the sale of the property went forward. This would be the first magical orphanage known to the wizarding world but definitely not the first. She would let the orphanage run for at least a year or two before she would enact her next bill. A magical primary school. That would take time to draft up and she should make more allies in the meantime to ensure she passes this bill completely.

After the summer session of Wizengamot ended, Illyasveil headed to the clocktower for her summer courses. Here in Magus Headquarters and school for Magus of all ages she would pick up more potential allies and abilities to serve her purpose. So with due diligence she picked up healing magecraft and elemental magecraft. Her first element she discovered she could use was water and earth. She also had a minor affinity for wind magic but not the extent she could with water and earth. Fire and energy were not her affinities but she could learn and master them in time. She would start with water though. The healing magecraft teacher was an old surly woman named Amarth Dewcroft. She immediately instructed the students in her care a lecture on the importance of focus and emotional strength while healing before teaching them the most basic spell body analysis. It allowed the caster to diagnose any injuries and issues with the body. They were to practice the spell along by cutting a fish applying the body analysis spell then preforming a close wounds spells which was taught the 3rd week of her class. The Water element magecraft teacher was Terrance Dewcroft. He was the son of Amarth Dewcroft and the current ArcMage of Water. He was the only one in 50 years to go beyond mastery to ArcMage status and he was proud of it. He was a cheerful young man in his early twenties and had the passion of a golden retriever in Illyasveil's opinion but he taught her basic water manipulation spell: Dewdrop. Dewdrop used the water inside the plants to rise and be used as a catalyst in their water Magic. While only manipulating a small amount of water they were able to learn the spell Water Cut. Her brother was learning Projecting, Healing and how to use Gem Making magics. He would attend full classes until his start of hogwarts. Shirou would also be taught Pureblood and Magus etiquette. This would be important for him to navigate both worlds. Despite not having the ability to wield the Emiya Family crests his ability to learn Magics were not ignored and he was a great student by his teachers standards. Illyasveil was approached by the head of the Tohsaka family who asked for a potential marriage for Shirou to his daughter Rin. Shirou being able to cast Gem make magics made him an attractive choice for a family whose Magecraft used gems in its entirety. While the Head of the Tohsaka family specialized in Gem Magecraft and Fire Magics his Daughter is said to be a prodigy in both Gem Magecraft and Curse magics. This Marriage would spark an Alliance with the Einzbern. Illyasveil then decided to make a date for both Shirou and Rin to meet up. It would have to be on the Hogwarts holidays as they would need a chaperone from both families present during this. The head of the Tohsaka family agreed before leaving. He had a grail war that popped up in France to attend to. They signed a contract that Shirou and Rin would start interacting under the guidance of potential courtship and marriage.

With summer officially over Illyasveil made her way to Diagon ally to buy herself her hogwarts supplies. With Lockheart being the defense against the dark arts teacher she was livid! The bumble fraud had put his whole damn book series as the list for spells for the class! His absolute works of fiction would teach her and the school nothing so she decided to comply and but the list but also grade two of the course books for defense last year along with a book on hexes that she was going to cast on the fiction writer.

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