The Aftermath Of The Battle

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Disclaimer: I don't own the fate series or Harry Potter they are owned by type moon and Jk Rowling. I do however own my plot and ideas implemented—————————————-

The Great Hall was silent with the Malfoy's sudden transformation and death. The goblin and ministry representatives immediately went to work on transferring all the vaults, homes, and Ministry Seats to the Einzbern household. Jubstacheit went with the goblins to settle any debts and dissolve any contracts not of use to the Einzbern name. Many families had been threatened by the Malfoy Family were now free. For Dumbledoor it meant that Voldemort held one less ally and a massive loss of power. For the Minister himself it meant that he would ether play suck up to the Einzbern family or lose everything as magic had gifted Jubstacheit and Illyasveil with all the information and past deeds dealt with the Malfoy Family. For many families that followed Voldemort it meant the end. Not even claiming the imperious curse would save them. For this was the start of the dark factions true fall into ruin. The Wizarding World would soon change and it's clear that the Einzbern Family would be the catalyst for it all. Let's hope for the betterment of Magical kind.

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