The Sorting Hat

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Disclaimer: I don't own the fate series or Harry Potter they are owned by type moon and Jk Rowling. I do however own my plot and ideas implemented
Illyasveil had woken up from her nap and changed into her Hogwarts robe feeling disgusted at how plain and boring the uniform was. She was a proud magus who's magic is powerful enough to create a servant contract outside of the holy grail war regulations! Her berserker was her bodyguard and only friend she had. While there was a new vessel for the holy grail war she still had her berserker. The Servant the Homunculus would summon was a lancer or archer her grandfather wasn't concerned about which servant as long as the outcome was good. As the train came to a stop her musings were cut short and began following the students onto the platform towards the platform where carriages pulled by what looked like skeleton horses were stationed. A majority of the Students were walking towards them, however a booming voice belonging to the half giant she'd seen at diagon alley called out to all first years to gather to him. Being ordered around did not sit well with Illyasveil but she was here to learn her magical cores powers after all and followed the other scrawny and more likely pompous brats to the man. She was sat in a boat with a bushy haired girl with a know it all attitude, a nervous shaking boy who was on the chubby side, and a olive skin boy with Italian features by the looks of him. The Italian boy had proud aristocratic looks about him while the know it all was spewing random facts and demanding to know if she was a vampire. She decided to ignore the girl and sit in what her grandfather called a pure blood siting stance. She was a proud Einzbern and a Lady of Emiya afterall. She causally raised her right hand and showed her Einzbern Heiress Ring and Emiya Lordship ring on her Index and pointer fingers. Hearing the sharp intake of the Italian boy and the nervous wreak of a boy made the ignorant know it all stop long enough for the castle to come into view. The bushy haired girl started to immediately rant facts from Hogwarts A History and it frankly irritated Illyasveil! Illyasveil had to admit that the castle itself had a sense of majesty but her castle and manor much exceeded this castles glory. 

The Half Giant now identified as Hagrid let the group of first years towards a pair of large doors. There a tall elderly woman with a stern expression dressed in Robes of emerald green was waiting. "All yours Professor McGonagall" Hagrid told the Stern Woman. Illyasveil tuned out the speech the woman gave but picked up that they would be sorted into one of four houses Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. She was expected to be a credit to whatever house she is apart of. At one point the platinum blonde boy introduced himself to the scrawny underfed boy as Draco Malfoy and got upset that the boy named Harry Potter was not interested in his friendship. The blonde prat had the disrespect to call her a vampire and a disgusting creature! The Italian boy glared in her honor and her heart picked up a beat. Professor McGonagall lead them into the great hall of hogwarts where a moldy looking hat sang a amusing song and one by one they were sorted. She ignored all the glares and threatening looks thrown her way until her name was announced. "Illyasveil von Einzbern" immediately the looks turned to shock then regret as she gracefully walked with more elegance than those supposed pure blood imbeciles who again mocked her eyes and hair! The hat was sat upon her head and it spoke within her mind " I see plenty of intelligence within you, very arrogant and cunning as well" "I'm an Einzbern and a Magus! If I can't outwit my idiot foes however would I gain the respect of my grandfather" "hmmmn respect from a relative" " you would do brilliant things in Slytherin however your intelligence is best suited for Ravenclaw" the hat shouted the last word loudly for all to hear as Illyasveil strode to the blue draped house of eagles.

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