End of Year One recap

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Disclaimer: I don't own the fate series or Harry Potter they are owned by type moon and Jk Rowling. I do however own my plot and ideas implemented—————————————-

Illyasveil von Einzbern
Age: 12
Birthday: November 20th
Known information: Illyasveil is the eldest child of Irisveil von Einzbern and Kiritsugu Emiya. As the eldest daughter and for also being a wizard she was spared the fate of bearing the grail seal and becoming the holy grail for the next holy grail war in Fuyuki. Instead her grandfather made her the proper heiresss whom later became the Head of the Family on the Wizarding World side. She is a Ravenclaw but often uses her high intellect with her equal cunning and ambition.

Her ultimate goal is to rid the wizarding world of its corruption and reestablish the Einzbern Family into the wizarding world after her grandfather left it after the fall of Dark Lord Grindlewald. She made friends with Hermione Granger from Gryffindor and Susan Bones from Hufflepuff. She values them both dearly and even hexed people who insulted them. Illyasveil and her grandfather dealt with the Malfoy family and killed them in a honor duel by using magic to turn them into vampires and gained everything they possessed.

Because the Malfoy family no longer had Magic their vampire bodies faded away. During Christmas Illyasveil discovered she had a little brother who was born during the grail war her mother and father were fighting in. She immediately went and took over his education before she returned to hogwarts.

While ultimately being the one to notice something wrong with her stuttering defense the dark arts teacher she didn't act until she was fed up and declared a duel on him. After it was revealed that the fool was not only a death eater but had the soul of one dark lord Voldemort attached to the back of his head like a parasite. The aurors were called and they contained the spirit and Illyasveil was issued an order of Merlin 1st class. No one knew what happened to Voldemort afterwards but relations between Illyasveil and Potter soured to the point of bitterness.

After she left for home for summer holidays she spent the first half of it with Her younger brother in their first family vacation which was Disneyland Paris.

Afterwards she attended the summer Wizengamot session and put in place a petition for an orphanage for magical born children. The bill passed and then Illyasveil had to attend the Hogwarts Government Board meeting. Dispite her obvious displeasure and disproval Lockheart had been named as the new defense professor but she had managed to get a dueling club set up by professors Snape and Flitwick two dueling champions. She improved the broomsticks for both lessons and quidditch paying for them herself and getting the Healer of the school Poppy an assistant.

She then spent the second half learning at the clocktower magus association studying elemental magecraft with her starting element being water and healing magecraft. She gathered all knowledge she needed and mastered the bare basics of the summer classes. With a vow to continue her studies she prepared for her second year at hogwarts.

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