A Pompus Peacock Gets Struck Down

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Disclaimer: I don't own the fate series or Harry Potter they are owned by type moon and Jk Rowling. I do however own my plot and ideas implemented—————————————-

Whom ever decided that pairing Gryffindor and Slytherin  together for classes obviously needed a reality check and a trip to the asylum in Illyasveil's opinion. Not five minutes into class were insults thrown between the pompous platinum blonde peacock wannabe and the lightning scar frail boy. Their petty diva attitude had ruined flying class and the chubby longbottom boy had managed to become injured and in doing so his ball of remembrance had been left behind. The Pompous Peacock looked absolutely thrilled and began strutting around yet had his feathers ruffled when the potter boy took the darn orb from him. Illyasveil could not help but chuckle at the display. The Peacock in all his glory then proceeded to call her a filthy bloodsucker and his father would be hearing about how the old man had lost his sanity by letting in obvious threats into the school. "I, Illyasveil Von Einzbern herby declares that the Ancient and most Sacred house of Einzbern has been insulted by the Heir of the Noble House of Malfoy and demand a duel only using Family Magic. For this I call upon Mother Magic and the Sacred Holder of Contracts and Oaths so mote it be" The Peacock and the rest of the class looked horrified as did Professor McGonagall. A blue swirl of magic surrounded both her and the Peacock symbolizing that Magic and the keeper of Contracts and Oaths had heard her plea and granted it. Illyasveil looked at the trembling peacock before her and spike in a tone filled with disgust "I sincerely hope that your father has reached you how to wield your family's magics Heir Malfoy, You've insulted me about my looks far too long! Every Einzbern has Snow White hair with Ruby Red eyes! By constantly insulting me and calling me a vampire and a monster you have insulted my house who has held secrets and has lasted far beyond anything your family has. My family is one of the Ancient 8 and the only one still alive and holding titles. Our duel will be tomorrow after dinner. Your family should have felt the summons of the keeper of Contracts and Oaths. They should have time to at least prepare for the fallout should you lose" with that Illyasveil turned and walked away heading towards Ravenclaw Tower. She would spend the rest of the day and prepare for the duel of honor that she had instated. As a proud Einzbern she would win and the consequences of the loser would be devastating and delightful as she was going to make her waves just earlier than intended.

Author notes:
The Ancient 8 refers to the 8 magical families who are ancestors to a majority of current European noble pureblood Wizarding houses. I'm declaring them to be cannon in my AU universe and they are: The Einzberns of Germany, The Peverell family of Rome, The Pendragon Family of Britain, The Grim Family of Austria, The Champagne Family of France(possible oc for other book's family) The Ravenclaw Family of China, The Slytherin family of India, The Hufflepuff family of Denmark and The Gryffindor family of Scotland. India would naturally be fond of Parseltongue as the Slytherin family is a ancient of India. Ravenclaw comes from China who valued Wisdom and Witt as it good traits for honor. The Grim family faded away into the black family but the powers of the grim family died out. Those who are the Ancient 8 are considered to be royalty in the Magical World. That's why in my cannon so many flocked to Tom Riddle. He claimed to be of Slytherin and held Parseltongue to back his claim. At the time he was held to be the only known heir to an Ancient 8. Despite the Einzberns being known at the time they probably believed that when the previous heiress died aka Illyasveil Grandfather that she was the end of it all. The emergence of Illyasveil itself is a shock. Only those who faced and lived through the war with Grindelwald would remember that the Einzbern family had a genetic look to them. Probably only  Dumbledoor  knows about it. Dumbledoor would have fought alongside the Einzberns in the first Wizarding war.

By making a magical plea before mother magic as magic is a living force one can claim innocence or ask for redemption but when paired with the keeper of oaths and contracts a entity most known to the moonlight world as they use it to form contracts with heroic spirits and can do so outside of a holy grail war if said family holds his favor. The Einzbern family holds said favor and is blessed by it

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