The Malfoys Fall

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Disclaimer: I don't own the fate series or Harry Potter they are owned by type moon and Jk Rowling. I do however own my plot and ideas implemented—————————————-

Illyasveil spent the remainder of her night as due to the duel was excused from classes. Her grandfather would make a public appearance as well. She knew the Malfoys were rushing trying to teach their son more advanced magics to use for their duel. The Ancient 8 after all held massive magical prowess. Despite that she was about to show a small hand and reveal her powers as an Einzbern. She would stick with her family magics as the duel claimed her to honor. That meant amping up her familiar spells. She was to start basic Alchemy during the summer after showing her grades in Transfiguration and Potions. She would be tested on her Rune work as well. She spent the day mastering fast summoning over the bird familiars. She could fast summon 3 and change their shape to that of a sword. Her Rune spell was a shield. It was a simple incarnation "skjold" with the house elf announcing dinner she strode out of her room and proceeded to the great hall. Her grandfather was here and was chatting away with dumbledoor. The people looked at him in awe. Her grandfather afterall was a war hero above dumbledoor who had in his youth struck down 3 idiotic wannabe dark lords and lady's. In his middle years he lead a major force against grindlewald and succeeded. He was long thought dead but here he was. Jubstacheit von Einzbern was granted the title of Arc Mage is both worlds and was a force to be reckoned with. Illyasveil looked over at the Malfoys and saw them scolding their traumatized looking son. His parents looked defeated and ready for what was to come. If only their son didn't have to get the one person who knew the old ways to challenge and destroy their family. They could try to take Draco's place but then they'd have to potentially deal with Jubstacheit. Even in age his mere presence alone made the magic in the air visible and so all the malfoy family could do was curse their heir for acting like a spiked brat and forgetting his place.

Jubstacheit von Einzbern in his holy white robes approached his beloved great granddaughter

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Jubstacheit von Einzbern in his holy white robes approached his beloved great granddaughter. She had done well in defending her name and striking down the one who had dared to insult their house. The Malfoys had gotten to cocky and prejudice against all those they deemed lesser than them. That has no backfired and Jubstacheit was looking forward to a good show. It was time for the public to see the return of the Einzbern Family and what power they still had. "My dearest granddaughter, you have held the family pride now go and crush this insult against us" Jubstacheit said to Illyasveil. There was three ministry officials present as well as two goblins watching and waiting for the outcome. The victor of this battle would see the end of the others magics and wealth. Of course the Wizarding world had their hopes on the Malfoys but the goblins knew. With dumbledoor being the referee Illyasveil and Draco took opposite ends against the set dueling ring dumbledoor had conjured up.

The Malfoys heir immediately fired off a disarming charm but Illyasveil summoned her birds

The Malfoys heir immediately fired off a disarming charm but Illyasveil summoned her birds

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Her birds then began to fire Gandr spells at the shocked Draco. Within seconds the duel was over. Magic thrusted the Malfoy family onto their knees as Jubstacheit von Einzbern approached them. "My daughter may have challenged this duel but as her head I can claim the right of repercussions. I declare that the Malfoy family will be stripped of wealth and power! May mother magic and the keeper on contracts and oaths hear my judgment and accept it as their own. The Malfoys wealth now belongs to the Einzberns and because the Malfoys decided to call us vampires and insult our pride may they become the foul creatures they have accused us of being then burn them to dust!" A glow of green fell over the crowd and with that the Malfoy family started to scream as their feature turned into that of vampires. Long fangs and dishapen jaws with blood red and thirsty eyes. Their platinum blonde hair had become mangled and scruffy. Long pointed ears Burts from their own ears. Then they caught fire as they screamed unholy screeches. With that the Malfoy family was no more.

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