A Stuttering Fools end

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Disclaimer: I don't own the fate series or Harry Potter they are owned by type moon and Jk Rowling. I do however own my plot and ideas implemented—————————————-

As Illyasveil boarded the train back to Hogwarts she was joined by both Hermione and Susan alike as they chatted about how the holidays. Susan spent it with Madam bones of course while Hermione went skiing in Norway. Illyasveil of course talked about her discovery of a brother who was born just before her parent's death but hidden in Japan due to no one being aware of his existence. Once they had returned to Hogwarts with a welcome back feast and dismissal Illyasveil noticed that the lightning scar and the red head brat were acting strangely. The potions professor seemed in a fouler mood while the stumbling bafoon seemed to radiate an aura most disturbing. With a sigh she approached the head table and fired a quick Gandr at the back of the idiots turban. Chaos instantly erupted. The teachers flew into a rage that silenced quickly when the stuttering fools turban disintegrated revealing a second face one that was the source of the disturbing aura. Imminently the foolish man starting throwing spells dropping his annoying stutter while the back face screamed at how his plans were fouling. Headmaster Dumbledoor immediately sprung and started dueling Professor Stutters and with the final spells being fired from Illyasveil herself the man was chained with the soul shatter and jarred from the back of his head. The aftermath of the event was not pleasant. One the DMLE arrived with several Aurors all ready to detain both Illyasveil for questioning and the Former Professor. It wasn't long before it was revealed that Lady Einzbern as Illyasveil was now being called had sensed that the Professor had committed a crime and was holding the soul of the Dark Lord Voldemort on the back of his head. With the help of the headmaster and the quick thinking of the staff they were able to subdue and capture both enemies until the DMLE could appear. Illyasveil would be nominated for an order of Merlin 1st class for the capture of the dark lord and for revealing the coverups of all known and active death eaters. With that out of the way both Potter and Weasley were constantly yelling at her for taking the glory away from Potter and she was obviously an attention seeking woman. Both were silenced rather quick with the statement that any further harassment would result into a blood feud at best or an honor duel at worst like the one the Malfoy family fell to. With what Illyasveil had deemed a major and only threat out of the way she went on with the rest of her hogwarts year increasing the bond between her and her two friends. At the end of the year exams Illyasveil had passed with Straight Os and held first place amongst Ravenclaw First Years and tied in first with Hermione Granger for top overall in their grade with Susan in 2nd. With the events of her first year coming to a close she would being her studies at the clock tower and her uphill climb in Wizengamot.

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