Hufflepuff Loyalty Obtained

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Disclaimer: I don't own the fate series or Harry Potter they are owned by type moon and Jk Rowling. I do however own my plot and ideas implemented—————————————-

Hannah Abbott was shocked when she skipped the feast due to feeling a bit off after her last class and went to the bathroom to contemplate going to Madame Pomfrey for some flu medicine. She was completely caught unaware of the troll that was about to end her short existence and education at hogwarts before the girl of many rumors, the Einzbern heiress herself saved her with such unique magic so potent that it could only be described as beautiful yet deadly saved her. As a proud half blood from a Hufflepuff family, loyalty was ingrained into Hannah from a young age. The Abbott family is known greatly for producing healers and Auror's in each generation. To save the heiress would not be forgotten and Illyasviel has just gained not only a friend for life but the backing of an entire family that's large and powerful in their own right. It may not be well known but a majority of people in the ministry or in power were Hufflepuffs due to their hardworking nature but this was often overlooked but to gain the allegiance of one of the great families known to hufflepuff will take Illyasveil far. For now Hannah plans on making friends with her savior. As the teachers gained her story and Ravenclaw was awarded 30 points for Illyasveils victory and savior of a valued student, Illyasveil walked Hannah to the hospital wing herself before retiring to her room in Ravenclaw tower. Unknowingly by saving a life Illyasveil gained more than possible if said was done by a potter and red head in an opposite universe.

Authors note: yes this is a filler chapter technically but I wanted to add a member to Illyasveil's friend group. Plus while Hannah Abbott was a side character in the books, she was still a half blood and a Hufflepuff who eventually married Neville Longbottom who is part of a ancient house who was ran by his grandmother who by pure blood standards would never allow a person who couldn't offer their family new standards in marriage. Even James Potter and the Potter family gained something with Lily Evans a muggle born. She was considered a master of charms and potions to the point she was a threat to Voldemort even before said prophecy about her child being his downfall. She had defied his advances three times which had meant at one point even the muggle hating dark lord wanted her in his ranks. So in my opinion Hannah Abbott needed a background that gives her Strength. Now Illyasveil has Hermione who gathers knowledge and information in a manner most impressive and a heiress of a healer and police force family. This will allow Illyasveil to eventually get places. I'm thinking about making Illyasveil participate in a holy grail war but it's a Wizarding world induced one. It would take place as an accident caused by the dark lord wanting to return and discovering the power of the holy grail and enacting a holy grail war. Also don't know if I want a love interest just yet. Should Illyasveil meet Shirou and Bring him to the mannor as she's technically his family head. Im making her 3 years older than him so she might ask her grandfather to take Shirou as her ward. She is technically The Lady and in charge of House Emiya. Though I feel like she has yet to look at any potential family members of the Emiya family as for her understanding her parents died in the grail war and that's that. Also I'm making Shirou a blood born son just younger and unknown to the current household of Einzbern. Maybe he was entrusted to the Tosaka household

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