First Potions

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Disclaimer: I don't own the fate series or Harry Potter they are owned by type moon and Jk Rowling. I do however own my plot and ideas implemented—————————————-

Illyasveil was happy for her first Potions class. As an Einzbern she has natural abilities in Potions and it's more potent ability Alchemy. Her grandfather had told her that he'll teach her two basic spells during the winter holidays if her 1st semester grades were all O's. After consuming a healthy meal of quiche and apple slices curtesy of the house elf's of Hogwarts, she made her way through the dungeons and into the potions classroom. While she was again the first of her class to be present she didn't want to slack. Illyasveil took our her cauldron and textbook as well as a quill and ink jar to note anything down. After a few minutes of her class settling in the door blew open and sweeping into the classroom with robes billowing behind him was their teacher Professor Snape. As he looked across the classroom with a sneer on his face he spoke "There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making. However, for those select few..." Snape trailed off looking at his students  "Who possess, the predisposition... I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death." He had grasped Illyasveil's full attention by the end of his speech. "Today we will be studying the effects of the cure for boils potion and how the ingredients affect the potency of the potion" I expect you all to have 1 hour to complete this as we will use the remaining class Time until lunch brewing the potion. Marks will be given on both how organized your paper is and how well you have applied it to your potion. I want at least one paragraph on each ingredient and it's uses and four paragraphs on how the potion benefits from each ingredient. For example extra credit you may list any additional ingredients you may feel would improve the potion, however as it's your first class i don't expect anything other than basic mediocrity from you lot. Time begins now"

Illyasveil had written down the recipe of the cure for boils potion and looked up how each ingredient relates to one another. In her understanding if she added lionfish spines with the tongue of a catfish it'll add a skin cleansing property. Clearing the boils, warts and acne and leaving smooth and healthy skin. Snape looked up and down the table isles commenting about how idiotic the rest of the class was and how they shouldn't ever be allowed to brew if they were this incompetent. When he reached Illyasveil, Professor Snape's eyes widened. "Ms Einzbern, are you aware that you've essentially created a new potion from the base of the cure for boils?" Snape asked slightly impressed. "No professor, what I was trying to do is see if I can improve the skin quality of the potion" "skin quality?" "Yes professor snape, by adding the catfish tongue with the lionfish scales whom both hold the skin cleaning properties it'll clean the skin of the boils as well as worts and acne and ensure the skin is healthy." "15 points to Ravenclaw, perhaps your not a complete waste of my time Ms. Einzbern Class dismissed!

Ms. Einzbern  if you would please meet me and your head of house tonight after dinner to discuss options about testing and  publishing your potion and patenting it. Now next class we'll begin brewing your cure for boils"

Illyasveil was happy with her achievement! First years would spend their first year mastering 4 separate potions. It seems like she had made quite the impression on Professor Snape now onto flying class with Madam Hooch

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