Plans Made

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Disclaimer: I don't own the fate series or Harry Potter they are owned by type moon and Jk Rowling. I do however own my plot and ideas implemented—————————————-

After the Christmas break Illyasveil returned to England with a spring in her steps. She knew in three years her little brother would attend Hogwarts and it would be better to secure his future in both worlds! As so it happens Shirou possessed a rare ability with his Projection called Jewel Creation which allowed him to create gems out of earth material that are the real thing. A meeting with the Tohsaka family who had a Heiress that would attend Hogwarts also in three years would be the perfect marriage to tie the Einzbern Family with the Powerful yet declining Tohsaka who relies on gems and items made from earth to cast their magic. The Tohsaka would become more wealthy which would in turn secure more power to the Einzbern Family. As for Illyasveil she needed to find a partner who would give her at least two heirs. One for the Einzbern another for the Emiya Bloodlines. In that regard someone from Hogwarts would be beneficial maybe one from her year. A slytherin or Hufflepuff would best serve her purpose. Now was not the time for House Einzbern to refrain from court nor the monthly meetings. Headmaster Dumbledoor had agreed to let her attend the meetings at both the clock tower and Wizengamot. Her Grandfather had decided to have her take up the ladyship titles the day after Christmas and it was up to Illyasveil to secure allies and shape the future of the Einzbern Household. So as she stepped into the ministry of Magic to bring two matters to the council with the information she had gained from the Malfoy's documents. She needed to gain Trails for one Sirius Black and to charge Barty Crouch Sr with aiding and releasing a prisoner of Azkaban. His own son. She had plans to Strike the very heart of the Wizarding World and build a foothold within it! The Einzbern Household will be known and it will be strong!

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