The House of Ravens and First Class

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Disclaimer: I don't own the fate series or Harry Potter they are owned by type moon and Jk Rowling. I do however own my plot and ideas implemented
The fact that her intelligence and want to gather all the knowledge even to a ends to a mean granted Illyasveil the house of Ravenclaw. Illyasveil placed traditional English foods that seemed way to fatty to be healthy to her and ate in a elegant manner and grace. She was an Eienzbern afterall. Those who called her filthy names and scorned her before her reveal would not gain her allegiance or friendship! Those pure bloods officially offended her and would have to work extremely hard to earn her attention or respect! The few she noticed didn't were the Italian boy now wearing green, the scrawny boy with the lighting bolt scar, and the bushy haired girl who acted like a know it all from the boat ride. The Italian boy was obviously pure blood while she could forge a friendship with the bushy hair girl and lighting bolt boy first. The platinum blood idiot who dared referee to her as a disgusting vampire would be lucky she doesn't declare a blood feud or challenge him to a duel for her honor! She would give him one more chance to not be arrogant towards her. It was afterall her first taste at the magical world and with Hogwarts came Allies! The only current ally known to the Einzbern house from the magical world was the Delacour  Family of France. Their great grandfather made friends with her own great grandfather and kept close in touch but fell out of contact before her own birth. Her grandfather informed her that they would be going to the Delacour household during the winter holidays to reaffirm their alliance and for Illyasveil herself to make her first true friends amongst her allied house. As the headmaster finished his end of return speech mentioning a certain third floor corridor that is out of bounds unless they want to die. She made a note of that to send notice of that after the first week of class in a letter to her grandfather. Apparently the Ravenclaw prefect were twins of Asian descent two from the house of Chang. They led the group up the stairs to a large knocker the shape of a eagle. The prefect explained to get into the common room you had to answer a riddle. Illyasveil had enough of the day and walked in front of the knocker. "Give me a drink, and I will die. Feed me, and I'll get bigger. What am I?" the knocker asked. "A fire" Illyasveil said in a tired tone. With that the doorway opened and she walked into the common room where she was lead by her female prefect to a room where she'll spend her next 7 years building up a alliance and her education.
Illyasveil had woken up as the sun began to shine upon her window. Illyasveil walked into her bathroom then proceeded to take a long bath followed by a shower. After dressing in her uniform, Illyasveil practiced creating a bird out of her magic strings. She had managed to create three the size of a owl and began working on shape manipulation transforming them into a sword that could impale her opponent. It was a work in progress as it took a bit to complete the transformation in a few weeks it should be flawless transformation. She would work on having them fire holy bullets a light elemental version of the Gandr spell.  Illyasveil decided to work on a few minor spells such as the levitation charm "leviso" the time check spell "tempas" and the wand lighting charm and its counterpart "Lumos" and "nox".
After getting the hang of them she casted a quick tempas and left for breakfast at the great hall. Illyasveil had received her class schedule from her head of house Professor Flitwick and saw she had Transfiguration with Hufflepuff first. As she finished her breakfast Illyasveil went off to the Transfiguration hall. Upon entering she noticed a large tabby cat with spectacle markings around the eyes. Illyasveil sensed the magical energy of the cat and assumed it was her Professor so she walked up to the tabby and curtsied "Greetings Professor McGonagall, I am Illyasveil von Einzbern and I look forward to your teachings" the tabby cat gave her a stiff nod then went back to staring at the door. Illyasveil took a seat at the middle of the right section of the classroom and waited. As students came into class and settled the Tabby leapt forward and turned into Professor McGonagall. She then proceeded to give a stern lecture about how serious Transfiguration was and how she would not tolerate any foolishness in her classroom least they would be barred from returning to her class. They began working on turning a match into a needle. Transfiguration typically needed intent and knowledge to work as well as wand work but not many incarnations. The same incarnations often produced the same results but needed more power or less depending on the items being transfigured and the quality expected. They would start small but by the end of the class Illyasveil had turned her match into a bronze needle which earned her praise and 10 points for Ravenclaw.
Illyasveil in my story has only studied mana manipulating and minor spells and only the bird familiar spell and Gandr from her Grandfather while learning political skills and how to be an Pureblood heir.

I'm making most spells in Fate have elemental abilities that can be added like Gandr is the basic curse while one can learn to add elemental values to it to change minor effects or abilities.

The familiar spells can create any animal but with the Einzbern using it to a specific effect of creating them out of mana making them more powerful constructs and requiring Illyasveil to focus on prioritizing Mana Manipulation and increasing her Mana Levels. I believe that she has started off with the concept of birds and currently is focusing on creating more of them and being able to have them do what they did in the holy grail war. Magic takes time but she's currently able to form only 3 birds but by a certain point in her first year she will demonstrate her mastery of it.

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