The Start of Summer

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Disclaimer: I don't own the fate series or Harry Potter they are owned by type moon and Jk Rowling. I do however own my plot and ideas implemented—————————————-

Illyasveil was looking forward to a lovely summer with her adorable younger brother. She had to start attending the clock tower during the summer with Shirou. She had purchased a large town manor near the clock tower and entrance to the leaky cauldron. Since the Einzbern Family would be spending their summer holidays in London as well for Shirou's Magical education, she had decided to simply relocate the family to the London manor. It was completely her decision and as the head of the house publicly announced last week by her grandfather in both The Wizengamot and High Council in the clocktower. Her grandfather would join them during the holidays but ultimately decided to stay in the ancestral home in Germany. As she boarded the train with Hermione and Susan it was ultimately a joyful moment knowing her skills were known and many people adored her. But for now it's time to spend a week on vacation with her brother!

As she stepped off the train, Illyasveil was greeted by Shirou running up and hugging her. As she headpatted Shirou and introduced him to her two friends. The two maids accompanying the Einzbern Lady and her younger brother had heads turning. It would be a vacation to remember as it would be the first ever Einzbern family vacation. She was thinking about going to France and Disneyland. After unpacking all her school supplies and uniforms, Illyasveil went to work on her summer homework. Since they couldn't use wands outside of hogwarts, students were limited to potions for practice. They were to study a theory book for both charms, transfiguration and defense against the dark arts. For history of magic first years were to study about the foundations of the Wizarding world and its first war. Potions included mastering the cure for boils, pepper up potion, and wigenweld potions. They were to demonstrate their mastery upon returning to hogwarts. Professor snape had included the recipe and ingredients for muggle born and poor students on the scholarship. Illyasveil immediately took the rest of the day finishing her homework in all completion. Her grandfather had a book on introductory alchemy and the next step for familiar magic. She would be studying introductory rituals, summoning for beginners and introductory to earth Magic at the clocktower. Illyasveil was determined to enter the holy grail war in 6 years to fulfill the Einzbern wish to regain the magic heavens feel that was given to the grail. Her mother and father had tried and failed but she would not fight to the death and if she was truly in a position of death she would withdraw immediately from the grail war. The Einzbern family had to continue afterall.


Shirou and Illyasveil were in France enjoying the rides and food in Disneyland. Shirou reminded Illyasveil of a puppy in her opinion. He was very excited and always running off and showing Illyasveil everything he found interesting and fun. For a first family vacation between the siblings it was a very memorable experience. Though she had ran into a classmate from Slytherin a Blaise Zambini if she recalled. He was nice enough looking. He was in France with his mother and older sister. Illyasveil had seen this as an opportunity to add a fourth member to her group and potentially see if the scion of house Zambini would be a good choice to be beside her leading house Einzbern. Blaise wouldn't inherit his family's lordship as the Italian pure blood family was matriarchal. His sister was going to inherit it and seeing as the family was one of Italy's oldest pureblood family's it would be a great benefit to house einzbern.

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