Start of Year Two

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Disclaimer: I don't own the fate series or Harry Potter they are owned by type moon and Jk Rowling. I do however own my plot and ideas implemented—————————————-

As the summer ended and the first of September finally arrived, the platform in 9 3/4 was overcrowded with blubbering mothers, small children clinging to their older siblings and students running onto the train. As Illyasveil turned to her younger brother Shirou and gave him a hug and kiss on his forehead. "Next year you'll be attending hogwarts Shirou so please finish your basic education and be a good boy for me okay?" Illyasveil said. "Please take care of him Rukia" Illyasveil glanced at the brown haired homunculus she had made herself to protect her brother. Rukia bowed deeply im response "of course Lady Einzbern, it is my duty as the maid and protector to young master Shirou to ensure his absolute safety."

Satisfied with her creation's response she walked into the train and settled into a compartment. She was soon joined by a young girl with red hair and freckles and her companion a light blonde girl with a dreamy look and a far off voice. "May we join you, the red head spoke nervously" "of course, please have a seat." Illyasveil welcomed the two obvious first years with a smile. Hermione and Susan burst into the carriage slightly out of breath and plopped on ether side of Illyasveil making the first years jump. "Oh allow me to introduce myself to you two. My name is Illyasveil von Einzbern~ Lady of the Houses Einzbern and Emiya." Hermione then spoke up "my names Hermione Granger, First Lady of the House of Granger,Protected Family of the Einzbern House." "Susan Bones, Heiress of House Bones. The young blonde spoke first with a dreamy voice "I am Luna Lovegood, Heiress of the House Lovegood. "And I'm Ginerva Weasley, daughter of House Weasley, but please call me Ginny."

After the introductions were made the five girls settled down for the rest of the train ride. After changing into their robes and wishing both Luna and Ginny were on their way to the boats while Hermione, Susan and Illyasveil made their way to carriages drawn by fierce looking skeleton horses. Apparently everyone who had seen death could see them, so naturally everyone who witnessed not only the Malfoy's demise but also that stuttering fool who housed Voldemort on the back of his head. Illyasveil hoped she didn't have to do anything too traumatizing for the new first years to witness. Everyone here were not Magus who had been trained at a young age to school emotions and had been exposed to death as soon as 5 to begin their training. She had to act more delicately if she were to ensure any future plans of here succeeds.

As the train grew closer to the station, the girls put on their Robes before making their way to the station where prefects guides the second years to a row of carriages being hulled by winged skeleton horses. Illyasveil wrinkled her nose at the death horses before giving Luna a hug as she grew fond of the girl and waved Ginny goodbye as Hermione and Susan dragged her into a carriage.

As the carriage pulled into hogwarts front gate the crowd of excited students followed Professors Flitwick and Sprout to the great hall where they sat amongst their houses for the sorting ceremony and the start of the year announcements and feast.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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