A Troll vs A Magus

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Disclaimer: I don't own the fate series or Harry Potter they are owned by type moon and Jk Rowling. I do however own my plot and ideas implemented—————————————-

After the Halloween Feast the doors blew open with the Stuttering fool limping in screaming about a troll in the dungeon. Knowing that Slytherin and Hufflepuff common rooms are in the dungeons but despite such knowledge Dumbledoor had asked the prefects of each house to lead their houses to their common rooms. Illyasveil decided to point that fact out and gained looks of both annoyance from Gryffindor students and acknowledgement and thankful expressions from both Slytherin and Hufflepuff. "It would make more sense to stay put and have staff and prefects protect us while our heads and yourself go look for the troll Headmaster Dumbledoor" Illyasveil stated. "As my Families Magic may be more convenient to locate such a beast and dispatch it, May I join." The staff were shocked at how bold she was but dumbledoor remembering how her grandfather had helped him in the war by tracking down and dispatching beasts and dark wizards alike with his magic felt both amused and nostalgic. "I suppose you may Miss Einzbern, though please stay behind me" Dumbledoor said as if he was pleased with the outcome of the situation. Illyasveil proceeded to create a new shape out of her Magic threads a wolf. While her birds were designed to be long range attack and mastered to be shaped into blades and firing its own magic, The Wolf can be used to track and strike down its Masters Prey. Illyasveil had just started on making wolfs and could only create one with her magical power. Once she mastered it however she could summon 13 wolves along side her 5 birds. A mastered Wolf would be able to make its claws and teeth as sharp as blades and shoot Thunder magic from its mouth like how her birds morph into blades and fire cursed Gandr. As her Wolf finished forming Illyasveil weaved out 2 birds and set off towards the dungeons with the staff next to her. The wolf lead them to a bathroom where a girls scream was heard followed by the sound of something being smashed. Illyasveil boosted her speed by applying her magic to her feet and Ran with her wolf and birds quickly following her. To her shock it was a small Hufflepuff in her year Hannah and the troll had her cornered and was preparing to swing so she casted a quick leviso to toss the troll into the air while her birds shot their Gandr at their trolls limbs. With the curse from the Gandr doing its work she had the wolf grab and drag Hannah behind her while she quickly used a low level fire spell to burn the trolls eyes. Blinded the trolls screamed and it fell. The birds turned into swords then decapitated the trolls head just as the teachers came into the bathroom heavily breathing.

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