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I'm learning to write hiragana now and I'm so excited! I love Japanese language so much!

I edited and add something here and there in the previous chapters so you better check it. 


I couldn't sleep at all last night. I'm so exhausted and sleepy now. And the schedule is not done yet.

"Miyuki-san, what's wrong with you? You never be like this in class. You look so tired." Furihara came to my desk with a worried look.

"Nothing. I'm just sleepy. Let me sleep for a while." I put my head on the desk and closed my eyes.

"Miyuki-san! Lets discuss about the debate competition. I saw the poster earlier. They posted out the tittles for the debate. Here, look at this." Iori shoved her notebook to me. I looked for a while then turned my head to the other side. That's the last thing I want to think about now.

"Go wash your face, honey. Then come back to life. You shouldn't stay up at night, you know? It's not good for your health." Akemi mumbled. She's too noisy. I resisted to go and leave my comfy seat. I'm stuck to my desk. Then, she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the washroom.

"Your hands are so cold. Are you not feeling well?" She asked anxiously as we reached the washroom.

"No, I'm fine. It's just that my hands get cold easily, especially during this rainy season." I washed my hands and patted my face with the wet hands. It's refreshing. I should do this earlier so that I didn't doze off during the history class. Now I'll have to study the topic on my own. It will waste my precious time.

Suddenly, there was a huge commotion outside. Girls were screaming and shouting. What's wrong with them? Is there hysteria attack or something?

"I'll go first, okay? I can't miss to see what's happening there. Take care, my baby." Akemi hugged me before she left. Is this girl drunk? But she didn't smell like alcohol. If she's drunk, I'm sure I will be sneezing like crazy by now. She's always like that, though. I need to get used to all this hugging thingy.

I stared at the mirror to make sure I washed away the sleepy face. After satisfied with my look, I went outside. It looks like the crowd had disperse because it's peaceful now. I walked slowly to the classroom.As I was walking past the stairs, I noticed a man running down the staircase. I turned my head to look.

It's him! Satoshi-senpai.

I was startled for a second and so was he.Then, I don't know what crossed my mind that I carved a smile unintentionally. 

Now he's double shocked.

Fudge. What am I doing? It's embarrassing.

I walked quickly back to the classroom.

At the classroom, I went back at my seat. The three girls are still there. Sigh.

"So, what's all the noises earlier?"

"Satoshi-senpai came to this block and he walked pass here. Then all the girls went crazy." Iori answered half-heartedly.

"Did he come to see you, Furihara-chan?"

"N-no! Why would he do that?" Furihara uttered as she pushed Akemi who's holding her blushing face.

What ever. I don't even care.

"Okay, enough with that. Now, what about the debate competition?"

"I think we should search for the information regarding the tittles on our own first, then we discuss about it this weekend." I could do my job better if I'm alone.

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