Shine Like a Star

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It's been so long since I last updated. I was so carried away with holiday and stuff. And the updates gonna be slower after this as I'm about to start learning to play piano again. I really can't wait to write about the final parts. They keep playing like a movie in my mind nowadays.

Ok. The video above is the cover of Manten by Kalafina made by this awesome person. She (or he, I'm not sure) has a plenty more fantastic piano covers so, check it out guys! You'll never regret it.  As you can see, I'm a huge fan of Kalafina. I used a lot of their songs in my first book, Euphria.

Please imagine that it's Miyuki who's playing the piano, ok? I'll tell you when to play the video.


"According to the premises that we presented, we as the Government team insists that reality shows bring benefits to viewers."

"Excuse me, one more question, please."

"Go ahead." Ya, whatever. I'm sure I can beat you with my words this time too.

"We as the Opposition team sees the reality show is unhealthy to the viewers' lifestyle. This is because viewers will stay in front of the television and neglect exercises. What's your opinion on that?"

I pushed the glasses up my nose. To be looked like a genius, like they always do in tv.

"That's a very good  question coming from you. Well, based on the researches  that we did, most reality shows are on-air during the peak hours, which is the night, eight till eleven, to be particular. most people are having dinner with their families while watching the television at that time. So, I want to ask you, is it the time for an exercise? You don't have to answer it though. So, with that, once again I assert, reality shows bring benefit to viewer. I rest my case."

The guy from the Opposition team was taken aback by my words. He looked like he wanted  to say something but his team members stopped him. Take that, sucker! That's what you get when you question my capability in front of the Speaker.

After ending my turn as the third debater from the Government team, the Leader of Opposition and Iori as the Prime Minister did their rebuttal speech. The Speaker and the judges discussed with themselves and announced the the debate to dismiss. 

"I'm glad it's over. I never thought that we will make it to the final round." Furihara heaved a heavy sigh like a big burden had been lifted from her shoulders.

"Ya, me too. But I hope they call us as the winner at the closing ceremony."

"I'm sure we'll win. We made good points there." Iori seems pretty confident.

"You guys did great! Mama is proud of you! So, Miyuki-san, what's next in your list for today?" Akemi joined us after we got down from the stage.

"I don't have any other competition today. Music Showcase is tomorrow, the last one. Can we go to the Art Room later? I wanted to see how many votes I got for my drawing."

"Sure. After we had lunch, okay? Now, lets eat!"

As we walked outside the hall, I saw Satoshi-senpai among spectators. He's looking at our direction. He saw me looking at him. He smiled and did a thumbs up. I turned my head to the other side.

How should I react?

I looked back at him and did the same as him. Well, that's fine, right? But it's still embarrassing.

"Miyuki-chan, hurry up! I'm starving here." Akemi pulled my hand.

"You're always starving." Iori sighed and we all laughed.

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