Blue Star

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14/7/2015!!! It's my birthday guys!! Yeayyy!! \(^ 0 ^)/

Let's celebrate together!! *dancedance*

As a present for my dear readers, I posted a kuroko no basket fanfic- midorima shintarou x reader. The tittle is 'That Green-haired Guy'. You better check it out! And tell me your opinion on that.

It's been two month since I joined wattpad. This story has been ongoing for over a month. I thought about ending it this month but my imagination sucks lately. So we'll see.

Enough mumbling, here's the twenty-somethingth chapter. Enjoy!


Last night I found my old pair of spectacles after ransacking my room. The power is lower than the latest one I had but it's better than having none at all. I felt how it's like to be a blind man yesterday. Now I'm grateful for still having my sight. 

"Miyuki-chan, here, take this. I made it for you." Akemi gave me a little star made out of paper. "This is for you and you." She gave them to Iori and Furihara.

"Thanks, Akemi-san. They're very cute. What is this for?"

"It's lucky star. This is the latest trend nowadays. It is the symbol of friendship. We give this to someone who we appreciate as a friend."

Friendship huh? 

"Teach me how to make one."

"Who do you want to give to?" Iori asked me with an eyebrow raised.

"A friend."

"Pick a paper. What color do you want?" 

I picked a blue strip with polka dots pattern. Akemi showed me the step one by one until a cute little star was formed.

"That is cute, Miyuki-san. Make one for me too." Furihara take a look at my lucky star after I finished.

"Okay." So I made another three and gave them to the girls. "Excuse me. I have something to do." I left them and headed outside with the blue star in my hand.

Now where should I find him? In his classroom? No. It's too dangerous. There's so many people I want to avoid there. Don't even think about it.

Let's just wander around. I'll meet him eventually if I'm lucky enough. It's a small world after all. So I started to roam around school aimlessly. Until..


He appeared behind me like a shadow. See? I told you we'll meet! He's everywhere.

"What are you doing here? Are you lost again?" 

"Here. For you." I gave him the star without looking at him then scampered away, leaving him behind before he could say anything.

Is it a right thing to do? I felt like a idiot. 


I wish I forget I ever did that.

Back in class, the girls were discussing about something important.

"The mid semester exam is just around the corner. I haven't done any preparation yet. What should I do??" Akemi slammed her head on the desk.

"Let's do a group discussion. Miyuki can help us, right, Miyuki-san?" Iori turned toward me.

"Sure. I'll help as much as I can."

"Let's study at Iori's house." Furihara said excitedly.

"My house again?"





One new message.

It must be him. I don't want to read it. Can I just delete it? I.. Don't.. Read..

Psycho-senpai: Yuki-chan, thanks for the star. It's cute. I'll keep it for the rest of my life. :)

Sigh. I knew I shouldn't give that thing to him. I'll be ashamed for the rest of my life.

Miyuki: You're welcome. I just happen to have extra after giving to my friends.

Psycho-senpai: Ya right. Yuki-chan, I'm hurt.

Miyuki: Huh? Why? 

Psycho-senpai: Because of you.

Miyuki: Are you kidding me? I never do anything to you.

Psycho-senpai: Do you remember the man yesterday?

Miyuki: Not really. Why?

Psycho-senpai: He waited for me after school today. We got into a fight. I got a cut on my right arm.

A cut? It must be serious.  

Miyuki: You what?? Are you alright? Is it serious? Can you move your arm? 

Psycho-senpai: I met the doctor. He said it's not that serious as the cut is not so deep. But I still got few stitches. Rika-chan forced me to rest from playing basketball until the winter cup. I can still move my hand and write with it even though it hurts a little.

Miyuki: I'm so sorry for you. It must be hard to do anything in that state. I hope I can help you.

Psycho-senpai: It's okay. Knowing that you care is enough. 

Miyuki: So why did he attacked you? What's wrong with him? I'll kill him if I see him again.

Psycho-senpai: Don't do that. I don't want you go anywhere near that man. I can't tell you the reason. But it's something regarding you.

Miyuki: Then tell me. 

Psycho-senpai: Let's just forget about it.

Miyuki: No. I want to know why.

Psycho-senpai: You said you want to help me, didn't you? Then help me with stop asking about it.

That's unfair! Never mind. I'll ask him again one day.

Miyuki: Fine.

Psycho-senpai: Good girl. Don't worry about me anymore, okay? I'm a man. I can handle this. ^^

Miyuki: So now that you couldn't play basketball, you should focus on your study more. The mid semester exam will come soon. I'm worried about your study. You need to do more revision and exercise.

Psycho-senpai: Okay, okay. I'll do it. Haha.. You sound just like my mother.

Miyuki: No I'm not!

His words are still lingering in my mind. He's injured because of me. Why did he do that? Why would he hurt himself for me? Who am I for him? He always help me but all I ever done is hurting him with my mean words and my cold treatment. I don't want him to get hurt anymore. 

Maybe I should stop being friends with him. Is it friendship that we had now when I can't even look at him directly and talk to him face to face? It's not that I want it to be that way. I want to talk to him like I normally talk to my friends. I want to look at him when he walks past my class. I want to smile at him when he looks at me. I want to! But it's too hard for me. My heart will go crazy whenever he's around. And I don't want anyone to know that I have something to do with him. Especially her.

If what Iori said is true, that he likes me, then I should stop it. I don't worth it.

I'm sorry, Satoshi-senpai. I like you too. But I'll keep it as a secret so you won't get hurt for me anymore.


Disclaimer: I do not own the video.

*** I posted this chapter on 14/7. I changed the tittle of the KnB fanfic. Now the tittle is 'Green'

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