Run For Your Life

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"Okaasan, please pray for me. I want to bring home a medal today."

"I always pray for you, dear. Do your best, okay? But don't push yourself too hard. You must know when to stop. I don't want you to fall sick again." Mom hugged me and I kissed her hands before leaving.

This girl will make you proud, mom.

It's Saturday. This is the day that I had prepared my life for. Today is the day for cross country marathon. The girls will be running six kilometers while the boys have to run seven kilometers. Luckily the route for girls and boys are separated after the second checkpoint. Boys will be released first. They'll sure run fast. That means.. there's a huge possibility that I will not run into him today. Hooray!

Stop bother about that! I have more important things to deal with here. I'm a bit nervous about running. The last time I ran was during the candy run. I don't think I can run that fast anymore after all these years.

Never mind. I'll just give it a try. And there will be Akemi helping me.

"Miyuki-chan!! Come here! Are you ready?" Akemi waved at me.

"I'm ready!! Lets go!!" I shouted back at her. The crowds looked at me but I don't care about it anymore. My heart is on fire! I will prove to the world that I can do anything if I want to.

"Hold your horses, girls. People are staring at us." Iori warned. Furihara laughed looking at our high spirit.

We started the day with some stretching and warming up. Then, the school's celebrity, Aira-senpai sang the Trauma song by Ayumi Hamasaki and we danced along with the music. It was so much fun!

Then, the marathon started with the release of the male students. Soon, it was our turn. We gathered at the school gate to get ready to sprint.

"Miyuki-chan, don't let go of my hand or we'll be separated."

"Aye aye, sir!"

"Good luck, Akemi-san, Miyuki-san!"

"Bring back the medals for us."

"Are you ready??" The teacher shouted to the crowds. "Get set. Go!!" He fired the gun and we all began to dash like sheep escaping the paddock. It was a total chaos. Akemi pulled me to the front and we managed to leave the massive crowds behind.

We ran across the housing estate, shops, rivers and many other terrains. The views are picturesque but we don't have time to enjoy them. I ran with all my might but I stopped for every two minutes and Akemi had to pull me. It was very tiring. I'm sweating like a ***. My knees and ankles were about to fall apart. It seems like there's no end to this.

"Miyuki-chan, are you alright? If you can't do it I'll tell the teacher to pick you up." Akemi was worried to see my bloodless face.

"I'm fine. I want to finish this run. We're almost there, aren't we? Please say it's true even you have to lie." I knew we're only halfway to the finishing line. But we're leading right now, thanks to Akemi's athletic skill. I won't let go of this once in a lifetime opportunity.

"There's a checkpoint in front. Lets take a break there. You don't seem fine at all." She points to the group of people on the corner of the road. I could see Ken-sensei there. Maybe I can ask for a drink from him.

"Miyuki-san, are you alright?" Ken-sensei asked the same question when we reached the spot.

"I'm fine, sensei." Once again I said the line. But this time I almost stumbled to the ground if Ken-sensei didn't catch me.



Ken-sensei and Akemi said at the same time.

"You should stop now, Miyuki-san. We don't want any injury today."


"No! Don't be so stubborn! Think about yourself." Ken-sensei shouted at me. I don't want to stop. I promised myself to win the medal. But sensei looks scary when he's angry. I didn't have the gut to object him.

"Sensei, can I wait here with her?"

"Akemi-san, don't wait for me. Run! I can at least be happy if you win this."

"Alright, Miyuki-chan. I'll win for you!"

I watched Akemi goes until she disappeared from my sight. Then, I felt unbalanced and wobbled before my vision fades away.

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