Three Point to Your Heart

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Furihara: Girls, let's watch the basketball game today. They're in the semifinal!! \(^A^)/

Akemi: What time?

Furihara is typing..

Furihara: 7 pm at the train station.

Akemi: K. 

Akemi: Iori? 

Akemi: Miyuki?

Iori: K

Miyuki is typing..

Akemi: Come on Miyuki. Get out from that room. >:(

Iori: Miyuki.. ¬_¬

Miyuki: Fine.

Furihara: Yeay!! >_<

Akemi: Yeay!!

Iori: Finally.

Miyuki: Just because I'm done with my revision.

Iori: Ya right. 

Iori: ¬_¬

Miyuki: Stop using that face. It's annoying.

Akemi: Hahaha

Furihara: Don't be late girls!

I lied. I've been expecting today's match since forever. I've been trying to meet him at school this whole week to thanks him for the present but I couldn't find the right moment. I'm always busy with my study. I need to make up for all the time wasted with playing around.

I thought I could see him during the Student Council meeting but he didn't come because of basketball game. Some part of me told that I miss him. Perhaps I am. Maybe asking him to stop contacting me is a big mistake. Stupid Miyuki!

 Can't take it back now though.



"Woa!! There's so many human in here!" 

"Let's get to our seat. The game is going to start soon."

The four girls get to their seat which is at the first row at the second level. It is a good spot because they can see the game clearly from there. In the court, the players were stretching. It's the semifinal match between Chinani High and Tohku High. 

The purple shoulder length haired Furihara saw her idol and waved to him. "Satoshi-senpai!!"

 The man saw her along with Miyuki. She's smiling at him shyly. He smiled back at her but then she turned her head away [her here is Miyuki]. He knew she would, she's always like that. Then she looked back at him. He saw that coming too.

"He's smiling at me!!! AAAA!!!!" Furihara shouted excitedy.

'Yeah. He's smiling to her. Not me. Stop dreaming, Miyuki.'

The game went on smoothly. Chinani team is leading up till the third quarter. However early in the fourth quarter, they keep making mistakes after mistakes. Satoshi is the only one who's playing with his best performance while the others had their spirit somewhere else.

"Hey, put your head in the game! We're not winning yet!" 

"Shut up. I know it." A man with number six jersey passed the ball toward Satoshi but the opponent made a steal. They managed to catch up with Chinani after a series of dunks.

There's one minutes left on the clock. The score is 93 to 91 with Tohku in the lead. Satoshi knew he got to do something. He need to win this and also the final. He must. 

A tall man from Tohku had the ball in his hand. He's running toward the net to dunk it. Satoshi faced him and managed to touch the ball as the man bounced it off the floor. The ball rolled on the floor and a player from Chinani took it. He dashed toward the net and tried to shoot but the opponent is blocking him. He looked around and saw Satoshi in the right position so he passed the ball to him. 

Upon seeing the ball in Satoshi's hand, the tall guy from before rushed to him and makes a wall in front of him. Satoshi faked to the left then swings to the right and got pass the defense. He took his position and shoot the ball into a beautiful curve and it went straight into the net. 'This is for you, Yuki-chan.'


The buzzer bleeped signing the end of the match. The shot gave Chinani three points and with that, the victory is theirs. The spectators went into an uproar. The four girls which were holding their breath throughout the last minutes now are screaming with joy, well only the three went screaming. Miyuki put her most sincere smile on her face when she saw the man looks toward her direction. 'I know you'll win. You promised me.' 

"Satoshi-senpai is so cool!! I want to congrates him. You guys, come with me." Furihara dragged the three girls along with her.

"You guys go first. I need to go to the ladies." Miyuki excused herself from the girl and headed straight to the washroom. Her head ached from the continuous screaming from the girls. After splashing some cool water to her face, she left to the direction of the court where all the players should be.

'Finally I'll get to see him.' Miyuki felt her heartbeat increased by the thought. She was walking with her hand on her temple when suddenly she stumbled into a man who popped out of who know where.

"I'm sorry." Miyuki raised her head to look at the person. He's tall and he's wearing the Cinani's jersey. He's the number 6 player of the team.

"Your sorry couldn't settle anything, miss." The man looked down to her and finally realized who's that girl is. "Oh, you're that Miyuki-chan!" He said excitedly.

"What do you want from me?"

He smiled cunningly and whispered to her ear. "I want you."

"The hell??" She pushed the man away from her but he caught her hand.

"Be my girlfriend or I'll tell everyone about you and that stupid Satoshi. I knew what's going on between you and him. And I also know that you were hiding it from someone, right? Who ever it is, they'll know when I told everyone about it."

'Damn it!' Miyuki snapped her hand from his grip. Her already spinning head just got worse. There's too many information her brain need to process right now. With Satoshi, Furihara, Iori, Akemi, that guy, the girl who's buying a drink from the machine at the corner of the corridor and some other random person. She didn't even know why she's thinking of that girl. In the end she just kept quite.

"I'll take that as a yes. Come, I'll introduce you to my friends." The man snatched Miyuki's arm and dragged her to the court. "Guys, meet my girlfriend, Miyuki-chan."

Everybody in the room inhaled deeply, surprised and shocked at the sight of the couple. Satoshi who was talking with Furihara and some other fan girls was jaw-dropped when he saw who it is. He blinked his eyes several times before fixing his stare on Miyuki.

"You got to be kidding, right Izuki? There's no way Miyuki-san likes a guy like you. Right, guys?" A man from the crowd went asking everyone around him. He's somehow a member of Miyuki's fan club.

"You don't believe me? Then ask her yourself."

"Is it true, Miyuki-chan?" Akemi who was watching silently before couldn't keep her curiosity anymore.

Now every eyes are aiming to Miyuki's direction, waiting for her respond. Miyuki lifted up her head after years keeping it down and her eyes caught the sight Satoshi straight away. Their gaze met. She saw the pain and disbelieve in his eyes. Somehow, she could hear he's talking through his eyes. 'Please say it's not.'

Gripping her hands into fists, she looked down to the floor and with the very last bit of  courage she had, she said it.

"Yes. I'm her girlfriend."

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