School Begin

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I just realized now that writing a story is not that easy!! T.T

I have the plan in my mind but it's hard to convert it into words. But I'm not gonna stop no matter what! Maybe if internet get extinct one day, I will stop typing. But still there's pen and paper, right?


Miyuki's POV

New semester! New spirit! I'm gonna do my best this year so I can be the President of Student Council next year. Then, I will rule the school, before the whole wide world!! Muahahahahaha!!! *evil laugh*

Ok. Enough with that. I don't want people to think I'm insane. So, what's the first step?

1) Join the student council.

Yeah. Sure. How on Earth do I think I can be the President if I'm not even the member of it? Stupid Miyuki. I just need to ask someone to get me in there then everything will be fine. So, who will it be?

"Morning Miyuki-chan! What is that book you're reading?"

"You mean this?" I asked while shoving the notebook I read before under my desk and took out a thick encyclopedia. No one should know about my plan, not even Erika. "This is the book that I told you before. It's about microorganisms that exist all around the world."

"No, not that. The other one. The one that you hold just now."

"Oh, it's the book of herbs that used for ancient and modern medication." I showed her another encyclopedia I had under my desk.

"I don't want to know anymore. Just do what ever you want." She heaved a sigh. You know what, Erika, you just sound like a old lady sighing like that.

"Um, Erika-chan, you know everyone in class 3-B, right?"

"Yeah, why?" She answered me halfheartedly.

"Do you know someone from Student Council? A girl, to be specific."

"Hmm, let me see.. There's Aira-senpai, Haru-senpai, Kagura-senpai and Tenma-senpai."

"Can you bring me to one of them during the break? I have something important to talk about." Hehehehe.. My evil plan will come to life.

During break, Erika brought me to Aira-senpai. Wow, she's pretty. She must be famous.

"Aira-senpai, I'm Miyuki from 2-A. I want to join the Student Council. Could you please help me?" I asked without any shame on my face. What should I do? I never has any feeling to show to people.

"What??" Erika and Aira-senpai screamed simultaneously, just like in simultaneous equation. Hmm, maybe they should do simultaneous equation together.

"What? Is it impossible for me to join it? If that's the case, then never mind. Just forget I ever asked."

"Hahaha. No, it's not like that. I was just shocked that someone as cute as you would like to be part of the gruesome, blood-thirsty Student Council." She said as she holding her laugh. Hey, do I look like a weakling duckling to you? And since when did I become cute? ME AND CUTE WILL NEVER GET ALONG!

"I will talk to the teacher about this. I think we still has some position left unfilled since the former senpai had graduated. I'll tell you the result later, okay?"

I thanked her then went back to class with Erika. She just couldn't stop that uncensored mouth of her from teasing me about the Student Council thing all the way to class. I wish I had a duct tape to stick it to her mouth so that my life would be more peaceful.

Suddenly in class her face looked gloomy like a fish. What is wrong with this female? Is she having her period? Her mood change was just too drastic.

"Miyuki-chan, I have something to tell you."

"What, fish?"

"What's wrong with that genius brain of you? Why would I talk to you about fish? They are not even cute."

"Then, why do you look like one? What ever. Just tell me what it is."

"I will be here with you for just another week."

"WHATTTT?????" I shouted from the bottom of my small iron heart. All eyes in the class was on me.

"I'm moving next week. My father will be transferring to another company, so we have to follow. Only my big brother can stay here, because he's a boy. It's unfair but, that's the order from my father."

"But, how will I survive this cruel world without you, my soulmate? I have nowhere to go. I will stay in bed and cry my eyes off every single day and skip school." I made a begging puppy eyes. No. This must be a nightmare. I will slam my head to the table to check whether it's real or not.




Oh my schoolbag! This desk was way harder than I thought. Suddenly I felt warm liquid flown from my forehead.

"Stupid you Miyuki-chan! Do you want to kill yourself? I'm just going to move to another school, not die. We can still text and meet each other." She scolded me and at the same time pasted a bandage to my forehead.

"But, I only have you. I don't want't to be alone again." I can't hold my tear anymore, but I don't want her to see so I rested my head onto the desk and hugged it with my arms.

"We'll find you some friends then. I 'll also ask my bro to look after you, okay? Stop crying like a child, would you?"

Damn. She knew it.

After school.

"Miyuki-san, there's someone want to meet you." A timid looking girl said to me as I packed my pens into the pencil case.

"Miyuki-san, come, follow me to the Student Council room." Aira-senpai called from the door.

"Wait for a moment! You go home first, okay, Erika-chan?"

So me and Aira-senpai headed to the Student Council room. My heart felt uneasy but I don't know why. No, it's not like I'm nervous to meet and speak to strangers. Something is going to happen. I could feel it.

"Guys, we will receive a new member of Student Council today. Introducing, Miyuki-san." Aira-senpai cued for me to enter the room.

"Hello everyone. I'm Miyuki Furukawa from 2-A. I will do my best to help the Student Council. Please take care of me."

"It's you!!"

Someone shouted from the row of desks. He stood up so abruptly that the chair behind him fell to the floor. I was shocked by the sudden act that I ran from the room and hid behind the door. Who is that psycho? Why the heck he shouted like that?

"I'm sorry Miyuki-san. Don't bother that basketball head. He's always like that. Just ignore him. Come, have a seat. By the way, you will be assigned to the Academic Section." Aira-senpai took my hands and showed me the seat.

Are all oxygen-inhaler-human-being like this? This gonna be a long year for me. Sigh.


Satoshi's POV

"Hello everyone. I'm Miyuki Furukawa from 2-A. I will do my best to help the Student Council. Please take care of me." A girls spoke in front of the room as I scribbling the notebook.

Wait a minute! I think I met her somewhere. But who is she? Hmm.. Black hair, almond orbs. 

It's her!! She's the angle in the music room!

"It's you!!"

I screamed from the top of my lungs and jumped from my seat unconsciously. She ran out the room. Her face seemed very shocked. Did I just scared her?

Great. Now she'll think that I'm a freak.

She went back into the room and sat at the sit in front of me. Don't stare at her, Satoshi, or she'll really think you're a freak. Gosh, I couldn't take my eyes off her.

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