Walk Away

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Rumors do spread like a plague. I know what they're talking about. I can hear their whispers which is a two point five decibel lower than a scream. What ever. I'm too tired to budge in. Let them say what ever they want. They don't understand. They will never.

"Miyuki-san, please say something. You were like this since morning. Everyone was talking about you and Izuki. Do you want to let it be?"

"Give her space, Furihara-san. She'll tell us when she feels like it. Stop bugging her."

"We don't like to see you like this, Miyuki-chan. If you want to talk, we'll always be here for you."

I'm sorry guys. I really don't feel like talking right now. I hope I can just disappear from this world right now. I don't feel anything. I.. just want to cry right now.

"Miyuki-san, Izuki is searching for you." A girl called from the door.

I stood from my seat and walked to the direction with nothing in my mind. There he is, leaning to the wall with that sickening smile on his face.

"Hello, girlfriend."

"What do you want?"

"I want to have lunch with you. I'm not taking no as an answer."

Go to hell. That's what I wanted to say to him so badly but I rather keep my mouth shut than talking to him. So in the end I just follow with what he said. He brought me to the middle of the school compound where many other students were enjoying their food there.

"Why aren't you eating? Do you want me to feed you? Who knows you would be such a baby? Here, open your mouth."

I sent him a death glare as if it will kill him. Sadly it's not working.

"You better don't leave me hanging or I'll shout about your secret here in this crowd so everyone will knows about it."

You twisted bastard.


"I thought it was only a rumor. But look at what they're doing."

"I know. I can't believe she's is going out with that player."

"Why did she dates that guy? I heard that she turned down every man that confessed to her before."

"Yeah. She didn't even respond to my love letter."

Satoshi's throwing his gaze toward the unlikely couple from his seat when he heard the boys from his class talk about them. His heart hurts whenever he hears about her. And it hurts more when he saw her with that man. He just want to forget everything about her and things that happened between them. 

"Satoshi-kun, what's going on with you and Miyuki? Why is she with him?" Aira came to his desk with a worried look.

"I have nothing to do with her anymore. Stop asking me about her."

"Are you serious? You can't just let it like this. There's something wrong with them. I can see it."

"Can you please stop? I've been listening about her from morning until now. I'm sick of it!"

"You said you love her but you didn't fight for her. Just how cheap is your love? You're so stupid, Satoshi!" She stomped her way through the audience which is building up, leaving the man speechless. 

'What's the point of fighting for her? She never loves me.'

Upon seeing that, Eimi rushed to Aira who was crying in an empty classroom on the end of the block. 

"Are you alright?"


"I'm sorry about Satoshi. He's just confused. He needs time to get back up."

"I love him, Eimi-kun. But I gave up because I know I don't stand a chance against her. He was head over heel for her. Seeing him happy with the girl he loves is enough for me even it's painful. It hurts me more looking at him right now. Why can't he just stand up for what he wants for once?" Aira continues her sobbing as Eimi pulls her into his embrace. 

"I love you, Aira." With that, he pulls a kiss on her lips as he hold her closer to him. Aira was stunned by the sudden act and pushes him away. "I always love you no matter how many times you rejected me."

Her tears fell more swiftly down her cheeks with his words. She knew his feeling for her but she turned him down every time he confessed. She never thought he still has the feeling for her after all the time she breaks his heart. 

"Thanks for loving me." Aira threw herself to Eimi and hugged him as hard as she could. She will never let him go anymore. Who knows she could find a blessing in this hard situation.


It's twelve o'clock in the midnight and I'm still awake. I thought tossing my body around on the bed will helps but it's useless. I reached my phone on the bedside table to check if there's any message. It's been so lonely lately. I miss the time when we texted each other. I miss the feeling of waiting for his reply. 

I miss him. And his smile.

Which I will never see again.


It's another day of hell for Miyuki. She was walking toward her classroom after having lunch with her so called boyfriend. From afar, she caught the sight of a man standing in front of the door. She knows who it is straight away. 

The man is leaving and he walks to the direction of her. Her heart starts to pound as she steps slowly on the floor. Her gaze was fixed to the background so she wouldn't have to look into his eyes and the same goes to him. The distance between them became nearer and nearer and eventually they walked pass each other. 


That's what it feels like. Someone who used to care for her now can't even look straight to her face. She feels like her heart was shattered to pieces. Tears that built up on the edge of her eyes fall slowly down her cheeks. She used to be a tough and emotionless girl with a hard rock heart who didn't even cry when her mother gave birth to her. And now she's defeated by her own feeling.

She stops and turns toward the man but only to see his back getting farther and farther from her. 'I'll let you go and make you forget me.' With that, she wipes the tears away and stepped into her classroom.

But she missed the man by mere seconds. Satoshi also turned around to look at the girl but she disappeared into the classroom. He wishes he could turn back in time so that he can hold her into his embrace when she was right in front of him. He will not to let her go and walks away from him. He wanted to see her smile again. Smile to him and for him only. But he knows that is not possible because she's not his anymore. She never was.

"Why can't I hate you?"

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