Chapter 4. 1815 

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Anthony's eyes widened. "Your brother?"
Cassandra nodded. "Yes, George is my older brother. I've not seen him or my parents in 13 years. How do you know him?"
Anthony. "We are friends from Oxford. Best friends in fact."
Cassandra smiled softly. "I'm sure the two of you have become very close."
Anthony nodded as they walked back toward the ballroom. "We are quite close, yes. George is a gentleman like I am. We do not consider ourselves rakes of the ton."
Cassandra. "I miss him terribly, as well as my parents."
Anthony squeezed her hand as they walked into the ballroom. "Well, I am happy to report that your brother is here."
Cassandra gasped, her eyes widening. "He is?"
Anthony smiled. "He certainly is. Come with me, I will take you to him."
Cassandra felt butterflies dance around in her entire body. After 13 years, she was finally going to see her brother. What would he be like? Would he remember her? These questions swirled around inside her head, colliding together like a title wave.
Anthony squeezed her hand as he brought her over to a wall. "Wait here, I'll go get your brother. "
Cassandra smiled at him. "Thank you your grace. "
Smiling, Anthony turned and walked over to a group of his friends, knowing exactly which one was Viscount George Grafton. He cleared his throat. "Gentleman, I do hate to interrupt, but I must borrow Grafton for a moment."
One of Anthony's friends, Lord Victor Hamilton, smiled. "Why do you need to borrow him Stratford? We were in the middle of quite a delicious conversation about women."
Anthony. "Because I have some very important information that George needs to hear. It's about his sister."
George Grafton, a handsome gentleman with dark blonde hair and the same blue eyes as Cassandra, stared at Anthony. "What news do you have?"
Anthony motion for George to follow him, away from the other gentlemen. "She is here with me."
George felt his heart stop. Cassandra was alive? "She is?"
Anthony nodded. "Yes she is."
George felt as if his body was going to burst with excitement. Cassandra was alive. He was going to be reunited with her. She was going to be reunited with him and their mother.
Anthony took George over to the spot where he had left Cassandra. He smiled, reaching out and taking her hand. "Cassandra, I believe you are going to know this gentleman very well."
George reached out and took her hands, squeezing them gently. "Hello my dear sister."
Cassandra felt tears well up at the corners of her eyes. George was standing in front of her, holding her hands. His voice was a soft tenor, not as deep and melodic as Anthony's, but still lovely.
George caressed her cheek. "Look at you, you look beautiful."
Not able to help herself for a moment longer, Cassandra threw herself at George, hugging him tightly. "Oh my dear brother!"
George held her tightly. "My sweet Cecily."
Cassandra tensed, pulling away from him. "Cecily? No, my name is Cassandra."
George shook his head. "No, it isn't."
Anthony was just as confused. "What do you mean Grafton?"
George looked at the two of them. "You don't know do you?"
Cassandra. "What do I not know brother?"
George. "You don't remember do you?"
Cassandra. "Remember what George? Please stop speaking in riddles and tell me what's going on."
George took a breath. "When you were kidnapped by the Musgraves, they changed your name from Cecily to Cassandra. Your full name is Cecily Elizabeth Amelia Grafton."
Cassandra was still confused. "So my real name is Cecily? Not Cassandra?"
George nodded. "That's right. Not only that, but you are the daughter of Viscount and Viscountess Grafton, sister to the new Viscount Grafton."
Cassandra felt her eyes overflow with fresh tears. "Father is dead?"
George nodded sadly. "Yes he is. He died three years ago. He was killed with an iron blade that couldn't allow him to become reborn again."
Cassandra swallowed hard. "Is mother still alive?"
George. "Yes, and she has been dreaming of the day that she would hold you again. I cannot wait to tell her that you are alive and well."
Anthony. "I'm sure your mother would love to see you Cassandra. I believe you and I will have plenty of time to get to know one another over the course of this season."
Cassandra smiled at him. "I would love nothing more than that your Grace. Especially now that the silver flame has been awakened."
George went wide eyed. "The silver flame? Then that means the two of you are..."
Anthony smiled, taking Cassandra's hand. "Yes Grafton, your sister and I are intended."
George smiled broadly. "Congratulations to the two of you, this is wonderful news."
Cassandra. "Have you found your intended brother?"
George smiled softly. "I have actually. Her name is Anna."
Cassandra smiled. "That's wonderful brother. How long have the two of you been courting?"
George chuckled. "Believe it or not, we just met three days ago. We have not gone to any social gatherings yet."
Anthony. "Well, now that Cassandra and I have found one another, I believe the four of us can attend events together."
George. "That would be brilliant! But first, I believe mother needs to see you."
Cassandra smiled. At Long last, she had the family that she always wanted. Her life had changed, completely, for the better.
Anthony took her hand. "Care to dance Miss Grafton?"
Cassandra smiled brightly. "I would be honored to dance with you your grace."
Smiling, they walked onto the dance floor and began to waltz for the remainder of the night.

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