Chapter 18. 1815 

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Rebecca felt her body tense, hearing distressing noises coming from the chamber down the hall from where she was cleaning. Fixing up the final pillow of one of the guest bedrooms, she dashed out and into the hallway. Making her way toward Cecily's rooms, she knocked on the door. "Your Grace?"
There was no answer, except a soft moan.
Her heart pounding with fright, Rebecca tentatively opened the door, stepped inside, and gave a cry of panic. "Your grace!"
Cecily was lying on the floor, her lovely face as white as her gown. The stench of vomit was thick in the air. She managed to open her eyes and look at her lady in waiting before scrambling for the chamber pot again.
Rebecca raced to her aid, rubbing her back and keeping her hair away from her face. Something was wrong with her mistress. "Your grace?"
Cecily whimpered, managing to raise her head and look at Rebecca. Her cheeks were even more pale than before. She leaned against her friend for support. "Rebecca, I need you to go and get help. Please."
Rebecca held her gently. "I cannot simply leave you your grace. Not in this state."
At that moment, one of Rebecca's fellow servants, Mabel, poked her head into the room. Her brown eyes widened with panic. "My God!"
Rebecca. "Mabel, go and get help. The Duchess is ill."
Mabel nodded, turned, and rushed out of the room.
Genevieve. "Should I go and see what's happened? She's been gone for nearly an hour."
George. "She probably just went to powder her nose."
Elizabeth. "She didn't look well when she left the table."
Anthony. "No she didn't."
Mabel. "Help! Please, it's the Duchess!"
Anthony and the rest of the family were on their feet, looking at the young servant with panic and concern. What had happened to Cecily?
Anthony. "What happened Mabel?"
Mabel. "The Duchess has become ill your grace. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but I found her with Rebecca a few minutes ago. She looks awful."
Anthony felt his heart stop, his blood turning into ice. Cecily was ill? But why? How? These questions cascaded through his mind as he raced upstairs to be with his wife.
Rebecca. "Your grace, we must get you to bed."
Cecily moaned, her body weak and trembling from her exertions. "I can barely move Rebecca."
Rebecca kept her arms firmly yet gently around her. "I will help you. We can go slow."
Anthony. "Allow me Rebecca. Please."
Cecily turned her head weekly to look at her husband, her heart sinking as she noticed how pale he looked. "Anthony..."
Anthony was at her side moments later, gently taking her from Rebecca. He cradled her against him, caressing her clammy cheek. "My poor darling."
Cecily placed her head against his chest as she was carried to her bed. Once her body was placed against the mattress, she closed her eyes. She was exhausted.
Elizabeth and Olivia removed Cecily's veil while Rebecca carefully removed her gown. Both mothers were incredibly worried. What had happened?
George moved a few strands of hair away from cecily's cheek. "What happened sister?"
Cecily whimpered. "I believe it was the raw oysters."
Anthony's eyes widened. "Food poisoning."
George. "But how? We all had the same thing."
Elizabeth. "Cecily must've had a bad oyster."
Anthony growled. "I do not believe it was on accident either."
Olivia glanced at her son. "What do you mean my dear?"
At that moment, Richard and Vivian came running into the room, their expressions concerned. They were about to ask what was going on, but then noticed Anthony glaring at them. Their false concern quickly melted away, replaced by smug smiles.
Richard. "It appears the Duchess has encountered a bad oyster."
Vivian. "The poor dear. It's quite terrible that you won't get to have your much anticipated wedding night cousin. Much less your first dance as husband and wife."
Anthony growled, his eyes turning dark as his Phoenix came forward. "What the hell were you thinking?"
Vivian crossed her arms. "We were simply wanting to play a little game."
Olivia glared at her nephew and niece. "Food poisoning someone is not a game."
Richard rolled his eyes. "Oh yes, we are aware of that aunt."
Genevieve. "Then why do it?"
Vivian. "We were wanting to ruin the wedding, that was all."
Anthony. "Well you have done so! You have ruined what was supposed to be the most wonderful day of our lives! My wife and I were supposed to have a wonderful evening of dancing, and then making love on our wedding night! But that has changed, because of you!"
Richard smiled deviously. "Come now cousin, there's no need to be angry."
Vivian. "Besides, there is always tomorrow."
Anthony. "Get out, both of you! I never want to see you in this house or at any future function! I don't want anything further to do with you!"
Vivian stared at Olivia. "You don't agree with him do you? We are family."
Olivia glared at her. "Quite frankly Vivian, I do not want anything to do with you either. You have ruined what was supposed to be a magnificent day for my son and daughter-in-law. I suggest you leave."
Richard and Vivian exchanged a glance, realizing they were defeated. However, they didn't care. Their purpose had been fulfilled. With their noses high in the air, they turned and left York Park, never to return again.
Elizabeth. "Is there anything we can do to help you take care of her Anthony?"
Anthony shook his head, removing his jacket before sitting down next to Cecily. He took her hand, kissing it softly. "No Elizabeth, thank you. Have one of the servants fetch the doctor though, please. I would like to take care of my wife alone."

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