Chapter 17. 1815 

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Cecily gave him a tight squeeze. "Thank you my dear brother. I hope to be at your wedding very soon."
George smiled as he looped her gloved hand through his elbow. "Soon my dear sister, very soon."
The group stepped into the chapel just as the clock struck three. The music began to play, and the group of 200 guests stood up to watch the bride walk down the aisle.
As Cecily walked down the aisle, she felt at peace. She was happy, thrilled to be living the life that she always wanted. Her heart leaked into her chest as she saw Anthony coming closer and closer to her.
Anthony smiled, taking Cecily by the hand and bringing her against him. He caressed her forehead with a soft kiss. "You look stunning my love."
Cecily smiled. "Thank you my dear. And you look dashing."
The minister cleared his throat before he began to speak. "Dearly beloved, we gather here today to witness the union of these two individuals. May their love be unwavering, and their commitment strong and never ending."
Anthony and Cecily smiled at each other. They knew fool well that their love and commitment to one another was a flame that would never be extinguished by anyone.
Minister. "Do you, Lord Anthony Remington Stratford, the Duke of York, take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife?"
Anthony. "I do."
Minister. "And do you, Miss Cecily Elizabeth Grafton, take this man to be your lawful wedded husband?"
Cecily. "I do."
Minister. "Then by the power vested in me by the Holy Spirit, and in the eyes of this holy church, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Anthony and Cecily smiled before exchanging a sweet and passionate kiss. At Long last, they were together, united as one. With their fingers intertwined, they turned and escorted the procession of guests out to the carriages that were waiting for them. Climbing into theirs, they led the procession toward York Park for the reception.
Arriving to their home, Cecily felt a sudden wave of nervousness flow through her. She was the mistress of York Park, the Duchess of York. This was her home now. She swallowed hard.
Anthony squeezed her shoulder. "Are you all right?"
Cecily nodded. "I'm fine my love. I just now realized the significance of our marriage. I've gone from the daughter of a gentleman of the gentry to a lady of society."
Anthony caressed her cheek. "Does that make you unhappy?"
Cecily shook her head. "No, no not at all. Just a bit nervous. I'm not sure exactly what to do."
Anthony chuckled, kissing her softly as the carriage came to a stop. "You will get the hang of everything my darling, I promise. My mother can help you, and so will I."
Cecily smiled and returned his kiss. "Thank you Anthony."
Knowing that they couldn't stay hidden away in their carriage, the newlyweds climbed out and escorted their guests into the estate. They knew that night was going to be filled with love happiness and celebration. They smiled at their household who offered them congratulations as they walked into the dining room for the dinner that was already prepared for them.
Anthony was just helping Cecily into her seat when Swanson poked his head into the room. He turned in glanced at his Butler. "Yes Swanson?"
Swanson. "I do hate to interrupt your Grace, but your cousins are here."
Anthony and Cecily exchanged a glance, knowing full well that Richard and Vivian were not invited. However, they couldn't be rude. Reluctantly, they told Swanson to allow the twins entrance.
Richard. "Have we missed the ball?"
Vivian. "We do hope we aren't late."
Anthony clenched his jaw. "You haven't missed anything. We have just sat down for dinner."
Richard. "Wonderful. Where do we sit cousin?"
Anthony pointed to a pair of chairs on the far end of the table. "Those are your seats."
Richard and Vivian didn't protest as they sat down. Their assigned seats were right next to the Earl and Countess of Wessex.
Anthony sat down next to Cecily, rubbing his face. "We mustn't allow them to get the best of us."
Cecily squeezed his hand. "That's all we can do my love. We must try to ignore them and have a good time. This is our day after all."
Anthony smiled at her, kissing her sweetly. "You are very right my love."
A few moments later, the first course arrived. Everyone was impressed by the half shell raw oysters that were placed at each end of the table. The shellfish were doused in a rich sauce of white wine and garlic. There was a medley of pickled vegetables as well.
Anthony smiled as he served Cecily two oysters and a few pickled cucumbers. "Here you are darling."
Cecily smiled. "Thank you my dear."
Everyone enjoyed the oysters and vegetables, along with a glass of wine. Once the first course was finished, the servants came and removed the plates, making room for the second course. Moments later, a delicious platter of duck pheasant and beef were served.
As Cecily stared at her plate of food, she suddenly felt a very strong wave of nausea cascade through her body. She swallowed, realizing she couldn't eat another bite. What was happening?
Elizabeth glanced at her daughter. "Cecily dear? Are you quite well? You've gone pale."
Feeling her stomach twist, Cecily scrambled to her feet, and lifting her skirts, rushed out of the dining room and upstairs toward her chamber. Stumbling into the bedroom, she closed the door and rushed to the chamber pot. She vomited violently into it, feeling her skin become hot and clammy.
Feeling her head spinning like mad, Cecily collapsed by the chamber pot. She felt awful, absolutely terrible. Feeling her stomach twist again, she managed to rise up on her knees and vomit into the chamber pot once more.

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