Chapter 19. 1815 

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Elizabeth nodded. "Of course dear."
Anthony wasn't paying attention to everyone departing the room. He didn't pay attention to the door closing behind them. All he could do was stare at his beautiful wife. Leaning forward, he brushed her lips with a soft kiss. "I love you my darling,"
Cecily opened her eyes, smiling softly. "I love you my sweet. I'm so sorry that I..."
Anthony kissed her again, silencing her. "Do not apologize, you didn't do anything wrong. Becoming ill was not your fault."
Tears flowed down Cecily's cheeks. "But I feel that it is. We were supposed to enjoy our day. And now it's ruined."
Anthony caressed her cheek, wiping her tears away. "No my angel, no. Nothing was ruined. We have our entire lifetime to enjoy one another. We are going to have many dances as husband and wife, many evenings spent making love to each other. That I can promise you."
Cecily sniffled, placing her head against his chest and holding him close. She knew he was right. They had all of eternity to be together. "I love you so much."
Anthony held her tightly. "I love you so much more my darling. Get some rest, I'll be right here if you need anything."
Knowing that her husband was by her side, Cecily relaxed against the pillows and closed her eyes. Thankfully, she hadn't vomited since being moved to her bed. She was hoping and praying she would have a restful sleep.
Three hours later, Anthony heard the door to the chamber open. Turning his head, he saw Dr. Thomas Parker stepping into the room. He gave him a soft smile and a nod. "Good evening Dr. Parker."
Thomas. "Good evening your Grace. Viscountess Grafton told me what happened to the Duchess, and I can assure you I can remedy that."
Anthony relaxed. "Thank God. What exactly does she need?"
Dr. Parker stepped further into the room, his eyes landing on Cecily. "A simple draft will help ease everything. I must ask, how long was she vomiting?"
Anthony. "I was told nearly an hour. However, she hasn't vomited since being moved to the bed."
Dr. Parker nodded. "Good, I'm glad to hear it. Give her this draft in a cup of tea and make sure she drinks all of it. Tomorrow morning, give her another cup of tea without the draft and a plain scone. Her appetite should return soon after that."
Anthony nodded. "Thank you."
Dr. Parker gave him a small vile. "You are very welcome your grace." After collecting his payment, he turned and left the house.
Rising from the bed as quietly as he could so as not to wake Cecily, Anthony rang the silver bell by the bed, and Rebecca appeared. He gave her the vile and told her to mix it with a cup of mint tea.
Rebecca nodded and scurried from the room. She was relieved that Cecily was no longer severely ill, and prayed she would be better by the morning. She returned a few minutes later with the steaming teacup. "Here we are your Grace."
Anthony smiled, taking the teacup from her. "Thank you Rebecca."
Rebecca nodded. "You're welcome. Is there anything else you need?"
Anthony shook his head. "No, not at the moment. Thank you."
Rebecca smiled softly before turning and leaving the room. She closed the door quietly behind her.
Anthony walked back over to Cecily, gently rousing her from sleep. "Darling, I'm so sorry to wake you, but the doctor came and gave me this draft to help you sleep and relieve your nausea."
Cecily smiled before moving into a sitting position with her husband's help. Taking the teacup from him, she slowly drank the entire thing. After waiting a few minutes, and with nothing being brought back up, she settled back against the pillows and closed her eyes. Within minutes, she was asleep again.
Feeling his heart relax, and knowing that his wife was going to be all right, Anthony changed out of his formal attire and into his night clothing. Climbing into bed, he folded his wife in his arms, pulling her gently against his chest. Brushing his lips against the top of her head, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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