Epilogue. 1820 

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Sunlight streamed in through the large glass windows of York Park, bathing the four little occupants as they ran around their home. Their high-pitched squeals of joyful laughter could be felt by every member of the staff. The Summer day was beautiful and perfect.
Watching their children have the time of their lives, Anthony and Cecily felt blessed. They had been married for five years and had four beautiful children. They couldn't believe how lucky they were to have the family they both craved.
Their oldest was Lord Remington Nicholas Stratford, the future Duke of York. At the age of four, he was a little fireball of energy. He made everyone around him laugh and giggle. He was kind sweet and affectionate.
Lady Olivia Elizabeth Stratford came not too long after her older brother. At the age of three, she was a bit rambunctious. However, she was quite loving and made sure everyone around her was happy.
And then, there were the twins, Lord Nathaniel Anthony Stratford and Lady Amelia Cecily Stratford. At the age of two, the little devils got into all sorts of mischief. Despite that, they were just as kind and affectionate as their older brother and sister.
Anthony smiled as he held Cecily close. "I cannot believe how fortunate we are to have such a beautiful family."
Cecily smiled. "I am just as overjoyed my love. Not only do we have a strong marriage and beautiful children, but nieces and nephews as well."
Anthony. "We certainly do my darling."
George and Genevieve had been married for four years. They had three beautiful children with their fourth on the way. Their oldest was Edward, who was followed by Robert, and then Mary. They were hoping that their fourth child would be another girl.
Olivia and Elizabeth adored having grandchildren to love and spoil. They spent as much time with them as possible, spoiling them with love and affection, and a few toys here and there. They made sure that the children were always happy, never once shedding a single tear.
As for Richard and Vivian, the two of them ended up marrying a pair of twins, Charles and Beatrice. They resided in a large house big enough for the four of them. They each had three children, two boys and a girl.
The silver flame brought love to those who needed it most. It created a bond that would never be broken. That bond, once sealed, would last for all eternity.

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